Hello. Before joining, I read a lot of goo posts that helped me already but of course I have slightly different worries and fears [a lot]. Reading up on the internet just makes them worse.
Everything there is negative and scary.
I think I always had a lower than healthy GFR [for years], around the 60 mark but the doctor and the nurses at my surgery made it seem so unimportant that it never occurred to me that this could be serious.
I suffer from anxiety [my whole life and I am on medication for it] and I have had hypochondria on and off, depending on my mental strength.
It took me two years recently to calm myself so much through meditation and hard work to actually be able to face problems with out a complete breakdown.
Last week, the nurse told me in more detail that I have CKD and my results were 58. She told me to exercise [not very possible as I have M.E - Chronic Fatigue Sydrome too] and all the other things about food etc.
When I got home I obviously looked it up online and was scared witless.
I do a lot of things that COULD make it worse [like smoking now and then - not often], drinking now and then [also not often at all], I like spicy food [rarely] etc. But I am not keen on giving those up as I do them rarely and they are most of my only pleasures. I know that the advice will be to stop all those things but despite my fears, I believe that moderation is the key, or life would be awfully dull. I eat relatively healthy [cook from scratch, not a lot of salt, sugar or fat] and I have my ideal weight [towards the slim side].
As far as I remember all my other data is normal, I don't have diabetes and my blood pressure is spot on.
Then I read about the possibility of being in more danger of getting heart problems or strokes [my biggest fears, my dad died of stroke and had a heart attack years before]. But nowhere does it tell you WHY, how does CKD lead to Heart attack and Stroke?
Is it because people with high blood pressure often develop CKD? or is it that CKD LEADS TO high blood pressure or is it that something else about CKD causes those things?????
They just throw it out there, without any explanations.
The stupid thing right now is that whilst I was quite calm, this has brought my anxiety out again big time, which I know is bad for the heart, which makes me feel scared even more. I can't win.
I love how many on here give down to earth advice, which is why I joined. I think it was quite irresponsible to give me bit of info and leave it at that, with me suffering from anxiety. But the nurse probably didn't know about my anxiety and I didn't think at the time to ask more questions as it was all so quickly. Plus that particular nurse never knows too much anyway [she's an asthma nurse and even there she often gives me wrong advice - she seems very scatter brained].
Sorry for writing such a long post. You can boil it down to the question:
What EXACTLY leads to heart attacks and strokes when you have CKD?
I will one day ask my GP but it takes weeks to get an appointment and I need to know now.
So a hearty [pun intended] "Hello" from me and I hope someone can put me at least a little bit at ease.