If someone is diagnosed with stage 3 CKD,how long before it turns into stage 5 CKD? Can I stop it from progressing into stage 5 CKD?
How Long before Stage 3 CKD into Stage 5 - Early CKD Support
How Long before Stage 3 CKD into Stage 5

There is no set time scale for this as it varies due to the cause of your kidney failure. I personally have polysystic kidney disease was diagnosed with it in 1990 stage 3 and got to stage 5 and starting dialysis in 2012 , I watched my diet etc to prolong my kidneys life span .
I found I had kidney failure (eGFR 10%) last November; I spent three weeks in hospital (very bad anaemia and high blood pressure). It turned out one kidney is the size of a plum stone, and the other was blocked (where it joins with the eureta); I had a stent fitted, and though that didn't work properly (it might have moved), my eGFR has gone up to 20% and I am stage 4; like Pluto, I am watching my diet as much as I can to stave off dialysis for as long as I can. My stent was replaced last month, and it looks like I will have to go in every 4/6 months to have it replaced in the future.. not a brilliant prospect, but it could be worse!.
dont have dialysis? how about your creatinine level , what foods help you avoid dialysis?
Well, it isn't an exact science - there are a lot of conflicting arguments about what is and isn't good. I make sure I have 2 litres of fluids every day (includes tea and coffee and no fizzy drinks nor alcohol), and I restrict protein intake. davita.com/kidney-disease/d... explains pretty well what I follow:-
[Quote/]Although Stage 4 indicates a severe decrease in kidney function, you are still able to live without dialysis. Kidneys are damaged, but are able to filter some waste and excess fluid from the blood. Since there is no cure for kidney disease, the primary focus is keeping you well nourished and reducing protein waste build up in the blood. Excess protein waste can cause nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, weakness, taste changes and itching.
The most important treatments to prolong renal function are blood pressure control and attention to protein in the diet. If you have diabetes, blood sugar control is also important. By regulating the amount of protein you eat, your kidneys process less protein waste, which reduces waste build up in the blood. It also reduces the workload on the kidneys, and may slow down the progression of kidney failure. Your diet will include a prescribed amount of high quality protein foods. This is to be sure you are getting enough essential amino acids each day.
If you are in stages 1, 2, or 3 of CKD, your protein intake may be limited to 12-15% of your calorie intake each day. This is the same level recommended by the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for a healthy diet for normal adults. It may seem like a restriction because the average American eats a high protein diet. If you are in stage 4 of CKD, you may be advised to reduce protein to 10% of calorie intake each day. Your dietician will assess your nutritional status and calorie intake to help determine if a lower protein diet is beneficial.[UnQuote/]
I try to have a lot of fruit and vegetables, but the usual 1/3 Plateful of each protein, carbs and vegetables seems to work; my creatinine levels are around the 250 mark...
I don't smoke, I don't drink, and unfortunately have suffered from anxiety, depression, asthma, arthritis - as well being impotent for the last two years; life is hellishly un-exciting ! I am permanently trying to cope with bad psoriasis which I am sure is related to blood and immune problems. I try to walk at least 40 minutes per day and my weight is in the "ideal" range.
like I said, un-exciting, boring, depressing, but at least I am keeping the dialysis at bay for the time being...
Hi Michel,
I have noted that this post is 3 years ago, however i agree with your sentiments. I have not come across one Nephrologist who can concur with what i have been told by another Nephrologist. Like you i have no visible vices, but i do have a GFR and CREATININE that jumps all over the place. Trying hard to stave off Dialysis, however every time i decide a new eating plan i am told, you should not eat Lentils or Peas or beans or Plumbs or Sweetmelon, but surely i must eat something that i enjoy. Would appreciate hearing from you.
Hey Michel49...Thanks so much for your valuable information, my aunt who lives with us is 65 almost (April 22nd) and she just found out today she has stage 3 kidney disease, and it's a huge blow to her and us, so I wanna be educated so we can help slow down her progression of kidney disease...she has 'high blood pressure' and 'diabetes'....so it's gonna be a challenge, but me and my mom are gonna help her with diet etc... so hopefully she can prolong stage 4 & 5....she has been through a lot losing her husband (my uncle) 5yrs ago and moving in with us away from her two sons and her only granddaughter! She has always been my favorite aunt, so it's tough, but with your awesome info and us supporting her, we'll help her the best we can, thanks for your post, God Bless! Lee H.
I don't know the answer to your question but I would just suggest that the medics don't know either because there are no easy answers to how a particular person's body will respond to illness. My husband was diagnosed with stage 3 and told that because his kidney function was low he would be on dialysis within 12 months. Seven years later he was still working three days a week as a professional and driving 30 miles each way! He was not on dialysis but his quality of life was poorer in that he was sleeping most afternoons, so the medics decided it was time he went onto dialysis. He settled onto it very easily, he's now 70 and has been on it for a year, he's very organised and methodical and has had no real problems at all, looks a lot better and is still working. I hope that gives you hope and enables you to just let your own health take it's course whilst you carry on with your life as best you feel able to.
Do come back to me if you'd like any further advice or a chat.

hi this is vishal, i have recently got my dad health check up and found that there are minute stones in right kidney and he is in 2nd stage, so is there any problem further he can face and if so what can be the best home treatment ?
i am very worried about his health.
please do response on my gmail "dhanalavishal@gmail.com"

I would like to know what was his diet and life style.... asin I am just 40 and diagnosed ckd stage 3....taking bp med, no bloodsugar still now....
Thats encouraging. I felt I was getting a death sentence. Stage G3b. 43% kidney function. I am female age 66. Already have copd stage 2. Heart and arteries being investigated. And was also told this year I am prediabetic!! Am I conking out lol..I would like a very blunt truthful estimate of my possible life expectancy.
My egfr fell to 8% at one point and dialysis was advised. I resisted and took greater control of my diet. I only drank water for almost a year. If i wanted a hot drink it was boiled water with honey. i cut out salt completely and processed foods. I was monitored closely by my renal team and my egfr readings improved. They have now remained mostly stable at a low CKD3. Sometimes you can keep things at bay, and dialysis or transplantation does not have to be imminent.
Hi! I was diagnosed with CKD3 in 2010 but haven't had my GFR rechecked after 4 yrs. My nephro seems incapable of giving satisfactory advises though prescriptions are renewed periodically. I had bouts of edema lately but managed with furosemide. My urine volume is decreasing. My doctor said it was okay as long as no edema. What specific diet could you recommend me? I'm 62 and 4'8" in height.
Chances are it will never progress much. Not an automatic death sentence. I've been going between 50 and 60 for years. The only time I worry about it is around test time. Apple cider vinegar seems to raise my average eGFR but apart from that and avoiding anti-inflammatories I don't make major changes. Doctor happy.
Hi, I would like to know more from you regarding how have you done it so well to manage your kidney problem, my dad had a kidney removed almost a year ago and his remaining kidney is at 38%, I am in need of advance in how to better help him protect the remaining one and if possible stop the advance of the condition, thank you for your help, regards,
I am responding to a post that indicates that it was written 4 years ago. If that is correct and you were at Stage 3 please tell me that you are still at Stage 3 and how you are doing,
Is it a guarantee that kidney disease will progress beyond stage 3?
Progression depends on cause. As you get older your kidneys also start to wear out naturally. This is my experience:
My cause is diabetes (30+yrs)
Ive been in firmly in stage 3A for 8 years now. GFR floats between 50-60, ACR around 6-7
Diet, low blood pressure, okay A1C, exercise. I drink moderately (I shouldn't) and don't smoke (anymore). I need to lose weight.
You may never move from stage 3. Sometimes it depends on why you got CKD. In my case I had kidney stones of and on over the years and this may have done some damage. I firmly believe following recommended diet re guarding especially salt/sodium and protein is very useful. ( remember we do need them) and drinking enough fluids. Taking two cups of green tea and a spoonful of cinnamon daily is also known to help. Try not to over worry. And arm yourself with all of the commended diet. If you over do it one day because maybe you have eaten out then just cut back the next.
Last kidney function test in September was 61 so no change.
I am the same just told stage I am stage 3. Not sure what I should or shouldn’t do doctor s said don’t worry but I am. They said regular blood test next one on 12 November.
Mine is 49