I am interested in the weight loss opportunities of taking Glucophage aka Metformin, as to the best of my knowledge, I don't have (yet) Type 2 diabetes.
Weight Loss possibilities: I am... - Diabetes Research...
Weight Loss possibilities

Hi and welcome to the group.
Have you talked to your doctor about Metformin? Did your doctor say anything about you going on a diet/exercise routine for weight loss? Did you get an A1c (3-4 month blood test for the blood sugars over a 90-day period of time)? Please check out the DRWF free leaflets dealing with Diet and Diabetes. Go to: drwf.org.uk/understanding-d...
I hope this helps.😀👍
As I understand the evidence, weight loss via dieting is usually not successful because weight returns to its former level or even higher when the deprivation ends. This is my experience.
My reading suggests that this is not the case when weight is lost using Metformin.
My source of information about these matters is the work being done on longevity at Harvard and other research US institutions, where a major research effort is underway on how to achieve healthy ageing.
Do you do carb. counting?
I would be interested in your results. Please keep us posted.
As such I have lost over 20 kg following LCHF dietary approach and have continued to keep it off. Never count calories. Simple rule- Eat when hungry and Stop when full and lose weight effortlessly.
The only natural way to lose wight is to eat less food , particularly, cakes chocolate, puddings and sweets. Also alcohol also needs to be reduced as it high in calories. Please do't see it as a diet, I don't believe this thinking is helpful. At the same time plenty of exercise such as brisk walking for 30 minutes a day makes all the difference, both physically and physiologically.
Once you start this healthier routine it will become normal for you, and take less effort to stick to it. I am talking through my own experience, there is no easy answer, and the first step is always the hardest.
Hope this helps somewhat.