A new nurse after years with the same. Same hosp but may be a different style ? Here's hopping
App with Diabetic Nurse this afternoon - Diabetes Research...
App with Diabetic Nurse this afternoon

I'm waiting to hear how you get on. I am border line diabetic and saw the diabetic nurse fort the first time last week. I was a little disappointed as she didn't want me to use a blood sugar monitor which I thought would be useful. She didn't give me anything to read such as food suggestions and just told me to watch the carbs and eat healthily. She ended the appointment saying well check you out each year! I feel I'm left to my own devices without any support. I have joined Diabetes UK which is an excellent organisation and reading information by them is the best guidelines. Let us know how things go.
Info is the key to it ALL. She is right about cutting CARBS. "Carbs do the damage". I can understand not giving test meters out to people who do not understand. Each test costs £1. Good luck RR44.
She did a slight adjustment to my insulin rates. Not bad after more than 53years of T1. So I is happy.
Hi thanks for replying. Regarding the monitor for blood glucose. Many people on our forum have them and learn how to read the information. A friend of mine said it was such a useful tool and she is able to see what foods make her spike. To be fully in control of my life I want to know as much as possible about my condition and how I can help the medical profession to help me.
Was the nurse you saw today as good as you hoped? You sound upbeat and full of energy which suggests you had a good experience. Did she give you any tips you could share with us here?
Thank you so much for that!
Are you concerned how far you are going to walk tomorrow ? Are you going to be Still ? There's me trying to be Positive about my TWO mates not just one but TWO. It is possible !
Do you think I know what I am doing after more than 53years of T1. If I where you I would do something about it. Go to the gym or for a walk every night ! Or do you sit still ? T1 is a lot harder than T2. Give it a go pls