Does anybody have any experience of relating high blood pressure with higher blood sugar?
BLOOD SUGAR RESULTS: Does anybody have... - Diabetes Research...

There is research looking into high blood pressure and type 2, have a look at this from the DRWF website You might like to have a read of the DRWF information leaflets as a starting pint to understanding the link.
Thank you for your very helpful reply that there is research looking into high blood pressure and type 2, and did read the DRWF website
that I found very interesting realising that there is research going on that suggests high blood pressure can cause diabetes inasmuch as one almost inevitably will follow the other.
My question related to some observations over time that I will refer to later and want to thank you all for your most interesting replies.
I have always been adamant that since I was (originally) not overweight my diabetes was caused by heightened stress levels over six months as my sisters health deteriorated until she finally passed away, still in the same hospital - who were magnificent, however the outcome was never in doubt, we just had to wait - and we did, visiting every day and over Christmas until January when her suffering thankfully (for her) ended.
Now that I have lost seven stone etc etc I am now diet only - no Metformin, no insulin, no numb or cold feet etc. Now in my second year of this, my first indication something could be affecting the BS was when I had a HA and then bypass surgery. I continued with the restricted diet in hospital and through fluid retention did put on weight but all through that time my BS was all over the place. Once I get home and things began to settle down, my weight dropped and my BS began to go back to normal. Then again a I got better and I began to exercise I again noticed my BS would increase - even doing hard gardening and thinking my BS would be nice and low, it was actually higher than normal.
I went to the doctor last week for my 12 month review of meds and as a precaution took my BP which was high where the doctor increased my BP meds Rampril to my pre HA rate. Now after a week, my BP is returning to an acceptable level and my BS levels which have been worryingly increasing, has actually returned to normal - which preempted the initial enquiry.
Perhaps my becoming diabetic had nothing to do with stress but was actually linked to high BP due to the stress and everything to date seems to prove that and wanted to voice these ideas so they could be recorded and investigated further with test patients. Just a thought - thanks again for your help, it has been very kind of you