I called my doctor office left a message for you doctor to see if h could give me 3 months to bring A1C down , he said yes so end of March I recheck ! If not better I start the Metformin. Any thoughts on this is welcome!
Metformin: I called my doctor office... - Diabetes Research...

Do it if you think its possible. As you say you can always go back. I am reducing mine now gone from 4 a day now at one a day. Getting there.
I think it may be possible if get stricter with my diet I Know some things I had been doing wrong lol as I strive to eat healthy everyday no white flour pasta etc my down fall is ice cream lol

I'd recommend first idm. Carbs as less as possible. See how much effect lchf is on your bg and a1c. Then decide if metformin be started. Also do exercise.
Gud luk.
Thanks I've changed some things I had been doing very wrong and cutting way back on carbs although I felt I eat pretty healthy as in whole wheat bread no pasta or little here and there but whole wheat I ran into trouble at other people houses eating what was there lol and ice cream is my down fall lol