I have just been told that I have Type 2 diabetes and I am due to see the local pratice Diabetes Nurse in October. What questions should I ask?
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Hello Steve,
The main question to ask is about getting yourself booked onto a diabetic's education/training course (UK residents only) where they will teach you a variety of things that will assist you in keeping your blood sugar in balance.
For more info' see: nhs.uk/Livewell/Diabetes/Pa...
All the best.
29 Sept. 2015.

You might find the leaflets on our website a useful place to start, you can download or just listen to them. drwf.org.uk/diabetes-leaflets
Ask for a blood monitoring kit and test strips. You will then be able to test your blood before each meal and afterwards to find out which foods make your blood sugar spike. I found that all breads (even the good ones) played havoc with my blood sugar as well as high carbohydrate foods such as potatoes. I try to follow a low glyceamic load diet and use the Patrick Holford Low GL Cookbook for foods that don't affect my blood sugars. It's a diet book that will also help you to lose weight if you need to lose weight.
Also, try to control your blood sugar with diet and exercise. It's possible to reverse T2 diabetes by doing this but it takes a lot of effort and support from family. If you can do this you will not need to start on medication for sometime.
Good luck and if you need further help you can PM me.
TT xx.

Ask the doctor what the carbs. should be for each meal and snack (25-35, 50-60, etc.). Also, find out what snacks to eat for emergency use on the go. Some diabetics just take juice, but I take juice and different types of bars in a bag. I'm also type 1.
firstly my partner is type two and don't believe al what you hear and watch on the tv my partner never drank and was a very healthy eater all his life then at 31 got told he was type two , I'm telling you this cause you will need to be very strong they do insist on type casting type 2 and its not always the way don't get bullied by health nurses you know how you fell and what right for you they tried to get my partners sugars down to between 4 and 6 but he felt terrible with them so they now agree with him that the best his sugar will get is at 10 to 12 you know your body better then anyone they see you for 10 minutes a day hun hope this helps I'm not a ogar just been with my partner when they not spoke to him nicely let us know how you get on on ere or pm many thanks good luck x
Thanks for above, As I said, I have Type 2, but after a talk with the diabetes nurse, I have not been put on any medication,just Diet.
In the near futures she has arranged for me to go to the local foot clinic, have my eyes photographed, and to go on Desmond course at the local hospitial. She is realy looking after me.
Diabetes runs in my family, so it was not unexcepted that I would
suffer from it, I have a younger brother who also has it. I must take some blame for it, I do like my food, espacially choclate. But now I have to be a good boy and look after my diet
OK, I have just had my second Diabetic eye screening last week, I await the result,
I attended the Foot Clinic twice, and then was signed off, the funding in this area is very tight, so I was told that I do not have any serious problems, if things change, to contact them again
The course was very interesting and give me a new outlook on how to deal with my diabetes
So life goes on .