Had my yearly bloods taken last week and received a letter yesterday from the DR requesting an appointment ASAP. I went today and was diagnosed with Diabetes, my BSL was 13.8 this time last year it was 6.2. 6 weeks ago it was 8????. Bit of a shock as I have had no symptoms at all.
Diabetes: Had my yearly bloods taken... - Diabetes Research...

Is it fasting Blood Glucose test?
You could ask for HbA1C blood test which test the blood over a 90 day period.
Life style change, food intake control and regular exercise may help before any medication. Good luck.

Hi CallieG it might be useful for you to have a look at the diabetes information on this page of our website drwf.org.uk/diabetes-leaflets. The leaflets are all available as PDFs or you can request hard copies. The What is Diabetes, Exercise and Diabetes and A healthy Diet and Diabetes would be good ones to start with.
In meeting many who have been diagnosed with diabetes quite a few came about it with no symptoms whatsoever. As we are all different in our internal systems, we slip into this without any warning. There are many who miss all the appropriate signs and all of a sudden have it. Anecdotal evidence indicates some have had some shock to the system and development between 6 months to 2 years, however, these have not been documented and would make an interesting controlled study. Let me say that I am sorry to hear how you quietly slipped into the realms of diagnosis and appreciate the shock you've had in its discovery. Early management of your condition will keep you on the right path to good health. Many who have been diagnosed have had it for as many as five and six years before finding out they have had the condition and complications can slowly set it. Wishing you well in getting the right treatment.
I had Meningococcal septicemia 15 years ago, I had renal and respiratory failure and a few other serious complications, I was on life support for 2 weeks and I nearly died, more than once. A few years after I suddenly developed high blood pressure , AFTER I quit drinking and smoking, then a few years later I had a spinal injury, I have nerve damage in my neck and shoulders and the nerves in my lower legs and feet were damaged I came within hours of having my left leg amputated, my circulation was compromised by the septicemia. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, asthma, gastro reflux ( i ripped out one of the feeding tubes while I was in the coma, damaged my esophagus) I have developed Thalassemia (underdeveloped red blood cells) my liver enzymes are a little off, My DR says it is most likely the damage done to my organs by the blood poisoning finally showing up.
You really have been through the mill, but you sound like you are a fighter and used to surviving. You have certainly been through some stressful situations. It is not easy to embrace the new changes with your recent diagnosis, however, I hope you are able to get a DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed), X-PERT Patient or FREEDOM (Flexible Regimes for Eating and Exercise in Diabetes for Optimal Management) Course or even The EXPERT PATIENT Course (offered through the NHS for dealing with Chronic Illnesses) to steer you through the adjustments to your new condition. You have certainly learned a lot about yourself through your life's experiences and may find any of these a further resource to staying healthy and managing your condition. I hope this has been some assistance to you. I am a 31 year veteran of diabetes (type 2) and have made various adjustments over the passages of time. Take good care of yourself and ask as many questions as you need to in order that you keep on top in managing your diabetes. When in doubt, get a second opinion.

Was 8 the A1c result? I get my A1c done every 3 months and it goes up here and there even though I watch what I eat. I'm not sure what is wrong since I have this feeling that no matter what I end up doing, the results don't go the way I think they should when I get the results back during the appointment. I feel like no matter what I do, it's never the right thing because of the way the results turn out. I wonder what's going to happen at the upcoming appointment next month.