Hi I am a male in my late 50sDrink is starting to take over my life 😠so my family keep telling me
I am a binge drinker got no stop button
Hi I am a male in my late 50sDrink is starting to take over my life 😠so my family keep telling me
I am a binge drinker got no stop button
Fully understand about the no Stop button. We have to discover the Don’t Start button. Good luck.
I am in my 50s too. Its hard to deal with ingrained habits. Nobody regrets giving up the booze, but lots of us regret drinking. Your family want you to stop so would be supportive. Do you want to give up? Look back to Sober drunks posts about AA. You need support and probably GP health checks. Prepare yourself by reading up on quitting. I recommend Alan Carr but loads of others. Stay in touch.
Hi, I totally understand your situation. If your family are concerned, it sounds like they will be really supportive in your sober journey.
I've very recently decided to have another stab at quitting after a number of years of heavy binge drinking.
My partner has been encouraging me to cut down for a few years now and we had a chat about some of my triggers this evening which is something I've never done before. If we can spot them together, then we are more likely to come up with a plan to deal with it - at least that's the hope! Ver early days for me but it might work for you
Wishing you all the best
Welcome to the forum. Getting out of control is a very identifiable problem what is not obvious is, we cannot stay stopped. Some form or the other our mind tricks us back to the first drink of the spree. Thats what we have to realize.
The biggest motivation for me when I am tempted to reach for the bottle is remembering how awful I felt after my last session and all of the other reasons I decided to stop.
You are in your late fifties and if you are lucky the booze won't be having too much of an adverse effect on your health just yet but if you carry on it will. I'm talking from experience here. I'm in my early 70s and health wise I was ok until my mid 60s. As you get older your body doesn't cope so well with the abuse, so I'm now obese, have type 2 diabetes and hypertension which are life changing diseases.
I wish you luck.
In AA too, some people share that they "think through the drink". Which sounds very logical and plausible. But unfortunately, the mind caves in at certain times. The above may work say 80% of the time but if we are not a good state of mind, the mind overrides all sane ideas we might have to experience that effect produced by alcohol. That is what we called the obsession of the mind.
I agree with soberdrunk that you will need support and potentially a medical detox to keep you safe during withdrawal. I would also suggest you look at options other than AA for support before you choose a program. For me, AA steps would make me relive all my shameful drunken behavior out loud. As if I wasn't doing that already. It sent me into a depression that took a long time to crawl out of. There are other programs that work, but do not shame you along the way. We are all different. I will be sober 8 years in May.