Had a cardiac arrest in December 2020 and then suffered a TIA in February 2021. Doctors found a PFO and put the mini stroke down to that, but a subsequent MRI on my brain has suggested that I didn’t have a stroke at all and that the hypoxia from the cardiac arrest was the culprit of my limb numbness (that seems like an understatement as I couldn’t move my right leg at all).
My consultant has stated that I’ve got damage to my “Basal Ganglia”. Has anyone else suffered this?
I was quite shocked and didn’t really ask the questions I should have done i.e. does this part of the brain repair itself? Will my motor functions return to normal and more importantly, will this stroke like occurrence happen again? I’m currently about to apply for my driving licensee back (it was revoked 6 months ago due to my ICD being placed) but not sure how safe I’ll be with this looming over my head.
I don’t want to Google this, as I know it will simply have me meandering down a dark path, so any information or help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!