I had my first stroke within 3 months of losing my wife to cancer.Then i learn my best friend had gone through the same within a short amount of time.
Have you experienced the same??.is there any link??.
I had my first stroke within 3 months of losing my wife to cancer.Then i learn my best friend had gone through the same within a short amount of time.
Have you experienced the same??.is there any link??.
Does stress cause stroke?-- you tube..
Bobw, stress is a significant contributor to strokes. I worked 60 hour weeks before my stroke last year....I'm now Learning that once one still has life best to keep stress to a minimum and love all good things that happen no matter how seemingly small they are!
I think so, and a whole host of other health problems, they re all interconnected, thinking about it, how could they not be? Psyche and soma, mind and body in this case. My lifetime of stress led me here today. That crossover from one illness to another, as I just found out, researching and reading about COPD, turned up one theory that it maybe caused by or linked to GERD. I would never have linked the two! I hope everyone's doing OK.
Hope you're doing ok.
Very wise Yb007.hope you can keep this up.Good luck.