Hi everyone,
Here's an article in Medical News Today about diabetes in India as type 2 diabetes is a big problem across the world for many and in Asia this is even more so due to the different fat to muscle ratio. It is estimated that over 9% of the population in India are diabetic.
I'd like to remind members that this is your community to help you live with diabetes and if possible reverse it as there are things that most people can do to achieve this.
To help raise awareness of diabetes and just to be involved in helping others on here please say if you would like to be an ambassador volunteer or even join the admin/moderator team, this is your community and how involved you are is your choice as the facilities are here for you to help each other and we will do our best to guide and help with this. If you don't say then we won't know so please don't hold back.
To mark World Diabetes Day on the 14th of November is the Nail it campaign where diabetics paint their nails to raise awareness of diabetes.
Here's an article saying how the UK will have 9% of the population by 2030 so this affects all of us and together we can help each other:
And remember folks awareness is empowering so spread awareness however you can. 💚