Please advise on how to lower the calcium. It came a little high in the blood test. The value should be between 8.7-10.2. Mine came to 10.4 for the result. I know I need to cut down dairy items, but besides this any other things?
Please advise on how to lower the calcium. It came a little high in the blood test. The value should be between 8.7-10.2. Mine came to 10.4 for the result. I know I need to cut down dairy items, but besides this any other things?
Hi KaranI had same problem,my sr calcium was consistently above 10.5 .I got my parathyroid harmone(PTH) got checked which was also very high for a long time.Finally i got Sestemi Scan of parathyroid done which showed there was
A small adenoma in lower parathyroid and i got it surgically removed .I had
Fatigue,daytime sleepiness,lethargy etc before surgery and now fine .My sr cal has come down to 9.5 now without taking any calcium supplements.I am also T2DM And on medication.If your calcium is more than 10.5,you have check it every 2/3 months,should not take cal supplements and if necessary
Check your PTH level under doctor,s supervision.Take care of your health and keep fit.