Anti Covid Nasal spray -gets Indian Govt ap... - Diabetes India

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Anti Covid Nasal spray -gets Indian Govt approval - seen as a Game changer for india..

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The Nasal spray does not allow the virus to multiply ..... it gives a coating on the virus...

What it contains ? It is A simple molecule which has Nitric oxide...

An molecule called Nitric oxide with chemical symbol -NO, the health benefits to mankind was discovered by Dr Louis Iganarro for which he had got noble prize....which we had discussed at length in one of my previous post. Will post the link for your ready reference at the end of this post.

Your body can also form Nitric oxide in a natural way- You can also get Nitric oxide naturally in your body by eating nitrate containing leafy green , Beet , some nuts and seeds. ( Seeds and Nuts are rich Argenine which produce Nitric oxide)

Your nose can help produce Nitric oxide if you inhale and exhale through your nose only..., Do Pranayama regularly, use your mouth only for eating and talking....try to talk less if it is a must unless your profession calls for only speaking.....😀

Or else, close your mouth ....In fact closing mouth by tape in the night as a therapy while sleeping in order to address various sleep disorders is advised by some specialists ..

If you want to learn more on nitric oxide and how you can maximise nitric oxide production in your body, Please visit this post below :

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