This miracle Molecule can Save your life - ... - Diabetes India

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This miracle Molecule can Save your life - says the Noble Prize winner Dr. Louis Ignarro

namaha profile image
2 Replies

This Miracle Molecule useful for human health was discovered by the Noble prize winner Dr. Louis Ignarro.

Lack of this molecule in human beings could lead to Cardio Vascular Disease, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Dementia/Brain Damage and also Erectile Dysfunction in men & women.........even those people who lack this molecule are vulnerable to a possible Covid-19 attack.

This is a very recent video interview of Dr. Ignarro that has been published. It's 1hour 20 minutes duration ...please invest your time...if you care for your Health.

Yes, this molecule is Nitric oxide - chemical symbolic is NO. Nitric oxide dilates our arteries - Vasodilation - relaxes inner muscles and widens the passage for blood circulation... Thus it allows all nutrients and oxygen to travel to every part of our body efficiently it has anti-inflammatory effect in our blood vessels...........unfortunately It is unstable in our body as free radicals in our body destroys it......

Nitric oxide even regulates insulin in our body.....let us be aware......please!

It is also an unstable compound in atmosphere and it quickly gets converted in to NO2- Nitrogen dioxide.

Fortunately , it is so important that human body can produce this in so many ways given favourable conditions inside the human body ...........however, in case we create all unfavourable conditions, NO- Nitric oxide production in our body is hampered leading to all kind of Health issues as described above.

While, I have watched the entire video and digested all the statements Dr. Ignarro made and in fact I did some additional research on the subject which I would like to summarize in 10 points for your benefit. However, I would encourage all members to watch the complete video.

(1) Always Breathe through your nose. Always keep your mouth shut...Air contains both nitrogen and oxygen. Your Nose passages have all the enzymes that is needed for enabling Nitric oxide production. If you inhale through your mouth , mouth does not have those enzymes to produce Nitric oxide. Moreover, Nasal breathing has many more advantages such as filtering the air, making the air moist, warming the air...

Mouth can not filter air , rather it will dry your mouth.....Mouth has specific job to do ....eating food....and of course talking....

If you use your mouth for inhaling air meaning doing the job of a nose... Yoga Guru BKS Iyenger once told his disciple if you inhale through your mouth, then "I will force feed your food through your nose"😀

Anyway, God has given us nostril with two holes, two ears .....and one mouth ..enough indication that we listen more, inhale more through nose continuosly non-stop ....and speak less.. eat fewer times whenever you are hungry.....

During sleep also , please keep your mouth shut, and inhale through nose...believe me you will have sound you know that you can tape your mouth before sleep.... Yes please Google 'mouth tape' in Amazon . . ..available.. it is the best medicine for snoring , sleep apnea... Disturbed sleep......

Incidentally, all Yoga Pranayama such as Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Anulom vilom, Khumbaka .. .All through nose only......

(2) Physical exercise - two to three times a day...for sedentary life style ... Keep your mouth shut....inhale through your nose.....may not apply for a marathon runner....

(3) Pranayam, Yoga, Yogic breathing through your nose.....both inhale and exhale....through your nose only....

(4) Eat daily your nitrate containing food such as Green leafy.....Spinach , celery, Lettuce, cabbage, Bok choy, Pak choi, Kale..Beet root has highest nitrate content.. .

When you chew , your mouth enzymes converts/enables nitrates in to nitric oxide ....

(5) Argenine gets converted in to Nitric oxide. It is a non essential or semi essential Amino acid...Body can produce Argenine....but sometimes body can stop producing with aging/ Ill health if you want to take from diet - the best source of Argenine is Seeds and nuts....based upon evidence based Science I would prefer Flax seeds powder 1 table-spoonful per day which apart from Argenine is a source of omega 3 fatty acid and Lignans - anti cancer compound.

(6) Garlic activates nitric oxide Synthase from Argenine . .eat some garlic per day...

(7) Nitric oxide is an unstable compound.....and free radicals in our body could destroy the Nitric oxide .....Citrus fruits.. ..lime, lemon, orange contain vitamin C which fights free radicals and Helps retention of nitric oxide. Pomegranate has also anti oxidants to fight free radicals.

So also all colourful vegetables---red, purple, yellow, green, brown, orange ....all contain polyphenols and antioxidants , phyto nutrients....helpful fighting free radicals.

(8) Limit your use of mouth wash. ....all medicated mouthwash will destroy your both harmful and beneficial bacteria and enzymes...the beneficial ones if destroyed will not be able to convert nitrate in to nitric oxide. ..

So excessive mouthwash use leads to diabetes....

(9) Minimise Salt and Sugar- Both are unfavourable for Nitric Oxide Production & sustenance.

(10) A research paper published in pubmed as to how Nasal Nitric oxide can help avoid a covid19 infection.. ( please read the link below..

Also attached few research articles on Nasal breathing...

If someone of you want to learn more , please do ask ...will try to explain you further....

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namaha profile image
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2 Replies
sandybrown profile image

Thank you.

Green leaf veg are excellent for our health.

barani19 profile image

Super information namaha . thanks for sharing the same.