Effect of sweet corn: Hi All, I tried having... - Diabetes India

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Effect of sweet corn

barani19 profile image
14 Replies

Hi All,

I tried having a medium sized boiled sweet corn for dinner yesterday. I was surprised to see my PPBS reading. It was 87 mg/dL. I feel that sweet corn is a diabetic friendly food.

Please provide your experiences on having sweet corn.

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barani19 profile image
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14 Replies
barani19 profile image


I did not use any insulin or medicines when I had sweet corn.

mistidahi profile image

All Corn related food are high in carbs and bad in protein

barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply to mistidahi


Yes. That's right. If corn is high in carbs, then, why sweet corn did not increase my PPBS?

venkatg profile image

One time experience may not be conclusive. Try it over a period of time.

barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply to venkatg

venkatg ,

Thanks for your response. I will try having sweet corn over a period of time and see how it goes.

barani19 profile image

Hidden ,

Please find the information that you requested.

1) I did not had anything along with sweet corn

2) I did not measure my BS before having it. Let me take a note of that next time.

3) I have not taken medicines for T2D so far

barani19 profile image

Hidden ,

Meter fault is a possibility. As advised by venkatg , let me try this experiment multiple times and come back.

namaha profile image


The point is there are so many carbohydrate Rich food which actually lowers blood glucose...

There is no need to run away from carbohydrates...there are whole plant food which are healthy. In case of doubt , you can always check your blood glucose level....and confirm ...reconfirm if it works for you...

Carbohydrate from whole plant food (minimal processed) can reduce blood sugar..and reverse insulin resistance .... Yes you need to avoid refined Carbs, Sugar, Maida, highly processed food, white bread ...

Whether it is Emmer wheat, Brown rice , Whole grain oats , Barley , Legumes pulses , Sweet corn, Baby corn, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin , Carrot, Green peas, Apple , Orange, Guava , Banana , Dates....and then there are Dozens and Dozens Varieties of vegetables & Fruits available all over the world- All have lot of Dietary Fiber, Micronutrients , Vitamins, minerals , phyto-nutrients apart from carbohydrates. These definitely have blood glucose lowering properties.

Nowadays, these are my staples and I find there is no spike in blood sugar level.....

In fact I am gradually replacing dietary fats with all above Carbs from whole plant food -LFPBWF - Low Fat Plant Based Whole Food and I find all my blood parameters including my lipid profile, triglyceride, have shown substantial improvement than my high fat diet which I used to consume earlier.

I also do Yoga, Pranayam, kumbhak , and other physical exercise such as walking.

However, one needs to ensure that he is not insulin deficient..he should know his insulin levels before resorting to a high Carb diet.

The most important point is I am having a sound sleep for 8 hours......my hsCRP level has come down drastically...indicating that my body has no inflammation at all....

Here are some articles from Healthline web site and other Authors. In fact the articles are backed by scientific research papers which I have been studying since last 6 months when my blood parameters deteriorated with a low carb diet.....and improved with reduction of fat from my diet.

In fact , American born Dr Cyrus khambatta who himself is a Type1 diabetes since his childhood is a PH.D. in Nutritional Bio- Chemistry, who has authored a book on Mastering Diabetes and is running an active facebook account with 1000' s of followers with success stories. You must read the articles posted in the face book by Dr Cyrus khambatta to get the insights...it is an eye opener that high Fat in fact promotes Insulin resistance according to the research papers...at least exactly matching with my practical experience with high fat low carb diet...





soni1 profile image
soni1 in reply to namaha

100% agree with you. perfect answer

barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply to namaha

namaha ,

I completely agree with the last paragraph. I have done lot of research with my body. When I had high fat food for dinner, my FBS and fasting serum insulin next morning would show high values. It clearly indicates increased insulin resistance. I have resorted to normal carb diet particularly for dinner. After this change, my HbA1c has reduced from 6.2 to 5.9%.

namaha profile image

I would strongly recommend that every Diabete first must undergo a Nutrition Course offered by IGNOU. The course name is DNHE - Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education. The course fee is only Rs1000, subsidised by Govt of india. You will get study material worth Rs 2000. Classes are held week ends at Ignou centre. But it is optional.. you can attend classes online if you want. The Indian Govt must be spending at least Rs 5000 per head in designing the course material , engaging professors to take classes and conducting exams and issuing a Certificates. Then you become Govt Certified Nutritionist. I found it very useful...

It is one year course, though literally you can finish within 6 months. Open to all - both sex and no age bar.

At least you will take care of yourself and your family.. eat healthy food...stay Healthy....🙂

(1) Having said that I remember when I joined this forum, a lot of debate was going on Emmer wheat vs LCHF diet. There were critics and supporters....critics never believed that Shooter George could reverse his diabetes with Emmer wheat which is rich in Carbs ... How it is possible ? and so on....

(2) LCHF was new to me and as a concept , I liked it very much and then there were a series of You tube videos by LCHF experts which impressed me a lot and then I started practising and even started advising others. It was exciting at the begining.. so much so there were a lot of warning signs my body gave me which I ignored until I discovered that all my health parameters are deteriorating.. my hsCRP skyrocketed... my Triglyceride levels were @120 mg/dl against 50 earlier ....My Endo refered me to a Cardiologist who asked me to repeat the hsCRP test. The reading adamantly remained at 5 mg/L ...and my cardio said either I carry a serious infection or it is chronic inflammation that I have developed and he put me on a statin...

Someone in this forum said my carbs are high...so I bought a kitchen weighing machine and with the help of an apps , counted carbs .. 😀

While there was no improvement in my Hba1c and other blood parameters, which was bothering me ,

My Blood insulin levels which were already at lower band further dropped. I had undesirable weight loss.. soon I became underweight which carries 5 times more health risk than an obese person...then some one said if my insulin levels are dropping , it is good . 😀

Once , I reduced my fat intake , all my parameters improved substantially.

( Insulin is a master hormone - it is required for metabolism of all Macro's Carbs, Protein , fat .... Type1' s live only by injecting insulin - Yes it may be bad if in excess of say 10 mIU/L and bringing it down may be desirable which is very much possible with a plant based whole food diet )

(3) My study / research now became more intense...my nutrition course helped me a lot.. (now I am doing a more advanced course in IGNOU- MSCDFSM - not sure if I could complete it.) 🙂

(4) Then I came across a book written by Cyrus khambatta & Robby Barbaro foreward by Neal Barnard. Both the author and co- author are living with Type1 since last 40 years. Cyrus is a PH.D in Nutritional Biochemistry.. what an insight...You need to read all the articles that he has written about diabetes nutrition to get a right perspective. He has all high quality research papers as back up for his book. You can also visit his posts in facebook. He and his team guides all followers in the journey.

Gradually , I replaced most of the fat with complex carbs LFPBWF....and all my health parameters substantially improved. Most importantly , I feel much better as a healthy human being..

(5) I continue with my study...there is no end to learning ...

By the way none of the authorities whether it is ADA/AHA / CDC of USA or NHS of UK or any other country advise LCHF as a standard diet for diabetes- All advise a Balanced Diet where the carbs are kept at @60%.... Restrictions for refined carbs , processed food, sugar..

(6) Calori restriction, Intermediate fasting is helping a lot to diabetes in reducing insulin Resistance.

One meal a day, or two / three meals within a window of 8-10 hours helps a lot

(I follow a 10 hour window 8AM-6 PM)

NHS is trying out with 800 cal/day with great success.

(7) One thing good with LFPBWF is that you can not eat more than 1000 calories per day..

For example , I start with a cocktail of my favourite Green salad and fruits salad (keep changing varieties) in liberal quantities before every meal along with a Big Cup of home made Mix Veg Soup or Tomato soup topped with Srilanka Cinnamon Powder. Then I take Oats with brown rice and lentil/ moong Dal along with two vegetable curries.

My stomach remains full.. no cravings...blood sugar absolutely normal. And now maintaining a healthy BMI with high energy levels all the time .. look at the magic of 100% plant based low fat Whole Food diet.. credit goes to the adequate servings of Raw vegetables , Sprouts and Fruits Salads which Is the first thing I eat before each meal.

Physical exercise, yoga, Pranayam helps a lot in reversing insulin resistance.

barani19 profile image
barani19Administrator in reply to namaha

Thanks a lot for sharing a lot of information and your experience. Really helpful.

soni1 profile image
soni1 in reply to namaha

shooter george was eating all meals like non diabetics, as per his posts. No limitations on whole, without counting calories

gangadharan_nair profile image

"High in nutrients, corn is extremely rich in Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin C, which helps in fighting diseases and generating new cells. High in fibre, corn also helps in lowering cholesterol levels in the body by reducing the levels of blood sugar in diabetics too."(1)

"Cooking sweet corn increases levels of ferulic acid, which has anti-cancer properties."(2)

"As a good source of antioxidant carotenoids, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, yellow corn may promote eye health. It's also a rich source of many vitamins and minerals. For this reason, moderate consumption of whole-grain corn, such as popcorn or sweet corn, can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet."(3)

"Sweetcorn, a type of corn, is high in carbs, fibre, vitamins and minerals. “Sweetcorn is a good probiotic as it contains some kind of good gut bacteria, which aids in digestion and facilitates better metabolism, eventually helping in weight loss."(4)


(1) timesofindia.indiatimes.com...

(2) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet...

(3) healthline.com/nutrition/fo...

(4) indianexpress.com/article/l...

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