There are more than 1,00,000 people infected and 3500 dead. Most of the people those who died in corona virus attack were Diabetics and/or had CVD. It is true, the recovery rate is high and fatality rate is low...but look at those people sufferring and fighting for survival for weeks...and at the entire world economy getting affected. People stopped travelling... Factories tourism industry badly stock market crashed fearing worldwide recession due to all business activities coming to a standstill and the uncertainty continues.....
Now it is official that ADA (American diabetic Association) and CDC (Center for disease control) and many such Reputed organisations have issued special precations/ guidelines for Diabetics to counter the Corona attack- few of the links are pasted at the bottom of this post ...
All Diabetics are being made aware that the immunity is low when blood sugar levels are high.... and if the immunity is low, naturally any virus or bacteria could attack easily and then it could lead to complications. In any case, the Diabetes itself is a complex disorder which gradually and simultaneously affects all other organs of the body with out exception....even without virus! ๐
And so it is not a surprise to have this news and a diabetic should not get scared...Follow the precautions and guidelines issued by ADA/ CDC, and corona will run away from you. Just ensure that your blood is not too sweet to attract the virus and multiply inside the sweet blood .....๐
At the same time, ensure that your blood sugar does not become too low such that you don't need a Corona Virus to kill you!๐
Jokes apart, please don't feel cursed being a Diabetic. Diabetics are known to live longer up to 80-90 years, as they become wiser and they are well informed during the course of their treatment, they consciously eat healthy food, exercise regularly...and take all precautions to keep themselves fit.
Coming back to our Corona virus which is reported to have attacked 1,00,000 people across the country is spared....
Do you feel all Corona virus have come from China....there are several countries reported corona infection without any Chinese connection.... just originated locally and had spread in the community...please read a news article released in USA at the bottom of this message.....
It is logical, Corona is not a new was already there... It is everywhere..Omnipresent.....every one of us have had seasonal flu, cold, sneezing... All these are viral due to virus attack....the only thing is that the strains may be different......some are mild and some could be the past we had Pandemic SARS- CoV and MERS- CoV both belong to Corona class of Virus...
This time this is a different strain of Corona virus with a different shape as seen in the microscope in Path lab...and so we called it Novel Corona virus- nCov (novel means not seen before), thereafter for convenience sake , we named it as Covid19 (means corona virus 2019- since detected in Dec 2019)......we should learn how to live with corona ..... Well, the pharma companies are quite upbeat.... They see a bright prospects for their business.... Pfizer, Abbott and Takeda pharma said they are already having medicines which could cure Covid 19... but they would need clinical trial.... Human trial.....USFDA approval etc etc.... No wonder the world stock market gave a thumbs up and the stock price of these companies went up by 15% only to fall by 15% the next day when people realised that it is a time taking process for final approval and pharma companies making huge profit.... People felt there would be a huge demand for anti-corona virus drugs...
Please have a look at the past history of virus attack on mankind as per WHO ( Please refer the graphical photo at the top of this post ).. so all virus SARS, MERS, H1N1, Nipah, Ebola, Avian Flu, Influenza..... have been originated from Animals & birds.....We don't seem to have learnt anything from the past.... even this time also it is believed to have been originated from similar animals and birds....
Please Refer an article released in USA for poultry farmers.....
Birds and animals are integral part of our society.... We rear animals & birds, we trade live stock- we kill them to eat their a source of protein and fat ...important Macronutrients.....
Rearing and trading of Livestock contributes to economy & GDP growth......look at what different people have said .... and they claim they all are right in their own perspective!
(1) Birds & Animals live for mankind...
(2) I can not survive even one day without eating some meat ! It gives me protein !
(3) Plant food has all the protein men need. No need to eat meat for protein
(4) Animal birds rearing contributes to Global warming and climate I stopped eating meat....
(5) since the day I stopped eating meat, my incidences of flu attack has gone away....
(6) Poultry/ egg sales are down by 50% and the traders have no money for their living.....
(7)People quote several Studies to show that Meat is bad for health......
(8) Who said meat is bad for health- it is the plant food which is bad for health-.....
(9) Anyway, Virus keeps coming to reduce population of the world by taking away the old, aged and sick.. it is nature's way of wiping out the weed in the lawn .....
Conclusion: From WHO data, Virus is known to come from animals and birds and attack human beings and then spreading from human to human...
Corona virus is here to stay.... It would keep appearing in some form or long as Birds / animals form an integral part of our life.....yes there would be vaccinations......then there would be another Covid.....and then the search for new vaccinations....not to underestimate science .....and pharma business....
......As we evolve, may be after a decade or so, the factors which perhaps could change pepole' thnking on bird animal rearing for our food is climate change and Global warming.....
Disclaimer: These are my own personal views and HU in no way connected with it..