I am Sunil Kumar garg from panchkula Haryana India I am diabetes patient from past 6 month can anyone tell me best treatment of diabetes I am glad for this
Diabetes treatment: I am Sunil Kumar garg... - Diabetes India
Diabetes treatment

Hi and welcome to the group, Sunilkumargarg .😀👍
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Have you been told by your doctor to go on a low carb high fat diet or low carb high protein diet? Are you on any medication?

Sunilkumargarg ,
Welcome to the forum.
Please provide the below information so that you will get appropriate guidance from other members.
1) What are your current fasting blood sugar(FBS), Post prandial blood sugar(PPBS) and HbA1c?
2) What is your current BMI?
3) What is your current diet?
4) What is your current medication?
If you are at beginning stage, just cut all sugars from your diet. Go for a 60 mts walk and that's good enough. Don't psychologically get scared. It's just a metabolic disorder n lifestyle modification will take Care of it.
Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diabetic diet and aerobic exercise. Never allow blood sugar level go beyond 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) at any time.
Learn more about diabetes and its complications. (search Google)
hello sir.. any specific reason behind mentioning 200 mg/dl ?because it is high from my point of view.
200 is considered safe...
Than why 140 is the limit?
It is a standard parameter one should try to keep but even if you have reached upto 200 ppbs,no need to panic and try to bring it down.One of the eminent doctor once told me that we start treatment after one crosses 200 and till then we advise various ways to manage it.
Hello Sunil ,best treatment for diabetes is diet control, exercise and medicine........in that order and not medicine ,medicine and medicine.
most diaberetics2 often show resistance to compliance and unable to control the craving for sugar and food.hence medicines are a must may be in the second place in your good advice