Insulin secretion: When will insulin secrete... - Diabetes India

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Insulin secretion

sreeshkart profile image
14 Replies

When will insulin secrete? Can it be at anytime or will it secrete at the time of eating or after eating?

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sreeshkart profile image
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14 Replies
sandybrown profile image

There is no simple answer to this question!,

"This rise in blood glucose causes insulin to be released from the pancreas so glucose can move inside the cells and be used".

You may be able to work out an answer from the statement.

Freelearn is at the moment is running a course on insulin, you may want to join this on line course to learn more on insulin. The course is an introduction to insulin for a university degree course. I learned a lot from this course.

DRH-sangli profile image
DRH-sangliStar in reply to sandybrown

@ sandy brown . can I get link to Freelearn. I am interested,

In one of the lecture By Dr Dixit ( India - Mumbai), I understood that if any one eats anything having carb contents over 5 gm, every time Pancreas will start secreting Insulin, and this secretion will continue for about 55 minutes.The excess insulin gets converted into fats around organs ( like fatty lever ),in stomach, and belly size goes on increasing. Hence he is advocating eating only 2 times a day,and when one start eating food he should finish that meal maximum in 55 minutes.And further,not advisable to take more than 2 full meals in a day, and nothing to take in between ( i.e. intermittent fasting)except water or butter milk ,or black tea without sugar.He says this will prevent excessive accumulation of Insulin ( fats) and will also reduce Insulin Resistance of the body, thereby controlling diabetes.This also reduces body weight.

Can you Pls throw more light.

dnyaneshwargonte profile image
dnyaneshwargonte in reply to DRH-sangli

Dr Dixits advice is absolutely right.I have been following it since a year.My blood sugar level has come under control and my BP and sugar medicines have reduced to half.

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to DRH-sangli


Here it is.

Follow the registration and then to the course.

DRH-sangli profile image
DRH-sangliStar in reply to sandybrown


don9999 profile image
don9999 in reply to DRH-sangli

Many people have claimed that this Two meal theory works only when there is excess insulin in body and there is insulin resistance due to excess insulin.

This theory may help to reduce number of times insulin is secreted, hence, it will reduce insulin and insulin resistance.

But, it will not work where blood sugar is high due to lack of proper quantity or quality of insulin.

Hence, may help to few but not all.

DRH-sangli profile image
DRH-sangliStar in reply to don9999

I tend to agree... I have noticed this in some knows subjects... once IR reduces and weight also gets reduced to a certain level,further reduction of weight is not appreciable, even if same lifestyle of two meals etc is continued.

gangadharan_nair profile image

The pancreas of a normal adult contains approximately 200 units of insulin and the average daily secretion in healthy individuals ranges from 30 to 50 units.

DRH-sangli profile image
DRH-sangliStar in reply to gangadharan_nair

@ gangadharan_nair.... Good information .. can you pls provide any link for this information and more information on this topic

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to DRH-sangli

Have a look at this link:

Internet has a lot of information DRH!

DRH-sangli profile image
DRH-sangliStar in reply to sandybrown

Thanks lot.

sreeshkart profile image
sreeshkart in reply to DRH-sangli

Thanks for your reply Mr.DRH sangli

sandybrown profile image
sandybrown in reply to sreeshkart

which reply are you referring to?

maverick22 profile image

Insulin is secreted when you eat something. Also depends on what you are eating and how much? A way to study this is to get a chart showing Glycemic Index of various types of food. The 3 major categories are Protein, Carb and Fat. Carbs have the highest Glycemic index , (a measure of the amount of sugar/glucose it has per gram), and hence results in the largest output of insulin. Proteins are next and also evokes insulin production, Fats have lowest GI and result in negligible insulin production. Additionally another thing to keep in mind is the GL (Glycemic Load). GL is basically GI of the foods multiplied by the qty of each in gms you have consumed. Insulin secretion is also dependent on the glycemic load of your meal. So if you took great pains in preparing a low GI meal, but over consumed the same, you have put yourself in to high GL situation, which will result in more Insulin secretion. So the aim is to have low GI foods in moderation and stay away from high GI food. In other words portion control is as important as having a low GI diet. In simpler words bring carbs to minimum required.

Generally Type 2 diabetics are insulin intolerant. This is due to the constant barrage of excessive insulin. Since they cannot transport glucose in the blood stream to tissue cells efficiently , glucose stays in the blood stream for a longer time. The pancreas senses this and pumps in additional Insulin. Due to this supplementary action the body experiences an over-dosage of Insulin. And Insulin toxicity is as bad as Gluco toxicity. It is here that the Insulin switches on to its secondary role. That is that of lipogenisis of fat in the liver and its transport to various body parts when the livers capacity is exceeded in the form of Tri Glycerides. This results in obesity and a fatty liver and full blown Type 2 Diabetes.

So the aim is to curb the cause of these events, which is excessive insulin production. Controlled insulin production will bring the body back to a state of Insulin acceptance from that of resistance. Here is how i managed my diabetes :

1. Pure Vegetarian Low carb diet with intermittent fasting, ( no meat and Diary products)

2. Exercise

3. Hydration

4. Good sleep and stress management

5. Positive attitude

6. After 3rd week of above mentioned regimen, with advise of doctor, stopped Insulin enhancing drugs like Sitagliptin, however continued with a 500 mg twice a day dose of Metformin.

7. My weight came down from 86 to 75. Mt fasting BG came down from 140 to 93. My PP came down from 200 to 150

Hope this helps.

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