My suger level are246.65 pl help me
Diabetes: My suger level are246.65 pl help me - Diabetes India

Hello Mewadapa,
Welcome to the group. Random Blood sugar level of more than 200 is in the diabetic range. Therefore you are diabetic. You should make an appointment with your Doctor for further tests if you have already not made one.
If you could provide more information, we can suggest suitable lifestyle and dietary changes.
1. Blood sugar that you have mentioned, is it fasting, post-meal or random?
2. Have you got HbA1c tested?
3. Please tell us your age, sex, height and weight.
4. Are you on medications?
5. Any other medical conditions
Looking forward to your reply.

Are you type 1, 2 or LADA (1.5)? Does your doctor have you on a sliding scale (if on insulin)?
Please state your diabetes history.
Go to a clinical lab. Test your fasting blood sugar, postprandial blood sugar and HbA1c.
Consult a diabetologist.
1. Apple cider vinegar, 1 tbl in a drink
2. Food pairing: in particular add food like 2-3 celery stalks to your meals will lower the overall glucose effect.
3. 1 drop peppermint 100% essential oil
Whatever your diagnosis, a low carb diet will certainly help. It is a healthy way to live for everybody, whether healthy or ill. So that is a good start. The rest is individualised, but even just this will give results.