Hello! I am 24 years old,some times I have sugar level around 350 in my body...but not realise any health issue in my body....before 3 months I take medicines but now a day's I am not taking any medicines....so what I take any medicine or any other check up required or not?????
Diabetes : Hello! I am 24 years old,some... - Diabetes India

Dear Bhavin- presumably you do love yourself and for the sake of your family, take care of yourself. 350 is NOT OK. Im surprised that are not feeling much carrying such a high sugar. ( though I suspect, you may have had weight loss, increased urination and thirst- common signs of high sugar) Your body is young and can endure a lot of stress but the prolonged damage to internal organs continues. To add to what Anup has mentioned in his reply that it damages your kidneys, it also damages your eyes, nerves and could adversely affect your sex life as well. A lot of uncontrolled diabetics end up with erectile dysfunction too. So please get your act and life together you have a long innings ahead of you. Go see a doctor, start your medication, exercise, eat right and have a good life. Take care of yourself.

Your diabetes condition is very alarming,to say the least.Absence of any outwardly symptoms or complications does not mean that you are safe.Diabetes acts like a 'chupa rustom' and it may take varying lengths of time before complications manifest.It is advisable that you consult a diabetes doctor immediately and also initiate measures to control your diabetes like diet control,regular and adequate exercise and leading a stress free and disciplined lifestyle.More importantly,you should become thoroughly knowledgeable about diabetes,because that alone will guide you as to how to go about in managing your diabetes.
Undergo HbA1c test. Target: >5.5% and < 7%.
Adopt diabetic diet.
Engage in aerobic exercise.
Dear Friend, Diabetes is slow killer, good that u have identified sooner. Change your food habits, engage in physical activities like simple walk before that the above go see doctor soon. Else u will regret later coz diabetes causes irrevesable damage to kidney, pancreas n nervous without any alarm.
BhavinPatel those are alarming numbers and can lead to irreversible complications if left unattended including possible diabetic coma. Please do visit a doctor asap and get on medication. Good luck.