My daughter of age 6 years found type 1 diabetes. She is on insulin once a day levemir and before meal humalog. Is there any homeopathic medicines for such a child to get recovered from this disease.
Type 1 Juvenile diabetes : My daughter of age... - Diabetes India
Type 1 Juvenile diabetes

Hi navs2017 ,
Unfortunately, type 1 diabetes is mainly treated with insulin and carb counting for snacks and meals. You also count carbs for figuring insulin doses so you don't take too much or too little. If you take too little, then the blood sugar will go too high. Too much will make the numbers too low. You want to be in the middle.
All diabetics are not the same. One option for one person is not always the option for another. Please ask your daughter's doctor for possible medication information/changes. Ask for an appointment.

I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. Just 6 yr kid. Please don't get disguised by any homeopathic ayu doctors. You have following options.
1) Food: Make sure that she gets enough nutrition and nutrients. As less carbs as possible. High protein diet.
2) Let her play outside games.
3) Seek the possibility of stem cell therapy in the country you live in.
My blessings to the kid.
I earnestly implore you (for the sake of the kid) to contact planet ayurveda and take the kid away from allopathic stuff as soon as possible. Am not adverse to it in some situations, but the tender age is of concern. I feel the kid will be able to fight back to normalcy. Blessings to her.
I totally disagree with you. The child is in urgent need of insulin which her body can't produce. So can't supply. Insulin is an anabolic hormone very much required for development of a child. It's necessary for protein synthesis.
She may give her ayu homeopathy or whatever she likes but allopathy is must for her. No pathy can provide insulin to her except allopathy. She - the mother may try nasal insulin if she doesn't - and i think nobody would- want to give pricks to the small kid.
Hi Suramo, you did not get the gist of my post. Perhaps I lacked in explaining it appropriately. Hence, this call : I said that adversity or bias in respect to allopathy is NOT well placed at this moment. I recommended that whatever means (including allopathy) be necessary should be employed with urgency to bring her out of the current issue as soon as possible. Drug dependency should be avoided at all costs to ensure a carefree life to the child. Homeopathy does provide cures but ayurveda is best in this. Trust me. There is no scope of CURE of diabetes in any form of medicine. But there is history of cure in ayurveda. This is the reason of my insistance for ayurveda, and people at Planet Ayurveda (its not mine and am not connected to it) are not commercial, I know.
I understand but for type 1 there is no "cure " lifelong except stem cell therapy. In type 1 there is destruction of beta cells. I reiterate no pathy will cure the disease. Except stem cell.
Can try planet ayu but i'm advising not to put too much trust. Insulin is must.
Hi Suramo, am absolutely with your inputs. However, the point of "no cure" is against the psyche. Stem cell treatment is a relatively new find and should be explored for possible cure first of all. If nothing comes forth, nature cure has abundance of avenues which should be pursued for whatever relief, IF not cure. Atleast it will be helpful without side effects.
Not the least, thankful reiterates from you are certainly appreciable. It shows the undying helpful nature one has for others in need.