My wife is debatic she take half tablet before breakfast (500 m.g.) and she is having fasting 120 & ppl 106 her age is 49 why it is happen
Why fasting blood sugar is more than pp - Diabetes India
Why fasting blood sugar is more than pp

Give me reason
Her liver and pancreas are not working like they should be cause of diabetes.
I am also having the same problem can anyone guide us how to overcome this phenomen some remedy please my fbs sometimes goes above 120 to 130 pp within 140 am also on metformin 500mg thanks
Reduce carbs intake until medicine dosage reduces. start working out / exercising and sleep enough. At one point as liver and pancreas heals and the load on it reduces (i.e need to digest carbs) you will see an inversion pattern and FBS will start lowering. When that happens, typically indicates improved liver and pancreas functioning as a diabetic and better handling of existing beta cells in liver.
Hi, I read somewhere that high fasting sugar level may indicate a fatty liver. . You may go through previous posts... I also had same issue and currently I'm taking milk thistle capsules... since I've just started so can't say if its workjng or not..
Reactive Hypoglycemia - Hypos After Eating. Reactive hypoglycemia is the general term for having a hypo after eating, which is when blood glucose levels become dangerously low following a meal. Also known as postprandial hypoglycemia, drops in blood sugar are usually recurrent and occur within four hours after eating.

if the fasting blood sugar is high at the time of measuring it,repeat the test after half an hour.If the reading turns normal you can presume earlier data was due to liver dump phenomenon.Otherwise consult a doctor for satisfactory answer.
FBS 120 means either Insulin Resistance or malfunction of Hepatic Insulin malfunction.
PPBS 102<120 》Pancreas is healthy and does the job with the help of the medicine.