Hi , I am Bhalchandra . I was dignsd t2 in Feb'17 . I m taking 3 chapattis , green cooked subji , dal , salad as lunch /dinner . Occasional brfst . FBS remains 120. PPBS remains 150 . I take Patanjali Madhunashini and amla karela juice . Doing regular walk .
Diabetes : Hi , I am Bhalchandra . I was... - Diabetes India

Your numbers are not alarming. Think of increasing daily exercise/physical activity.Reducing weight even by few kilos will help,if that is possible.No need to skip breakfast,as long as it is limited and not the kind of food that spikes sugar levels
I reduced to 68 kg from 71 kg in 3 months . I took allopathic meds for first 15 days but then I turned to Ayurvedic .
Choice o system o medical treatment is obviously yours,but I wold stick to allopathy.
My last report FBS 119 and PPBS 134 with Ayurvedic . ( I take Patanjali Karela amla juice morning and before dinner . I take Patanjali Madhunashini 2 tabs before lunch and dinner . ) I m trying to keep away allopathic meds as much as possible because of its serious side effects . If I fail to control diabetes and cholesterol with Ayurvedic meds + diet + exercise , only then I will go for allopathic .
I am 45. My HBA1C was 8% in Feb'17 . I will do it in October again . My cholesterol reports were also not good . I was taking Rosuvas but I stopped it . Trying to get it normal by exercising , diet . From may to August I couldn't control my diet and exercise. My reports again went wrong . I understood my mistake and now I am doing my best .
Dear Bhal2_
every diabetic should know that diabetes means his body is not able to metabolize carbohydrates properly.
Among T2 , body is always producing more insulin ....more than what normal person produce...
And this excess cholesterol is mainly reason for bad lipid profile.
Therefore it is suggested that one must eat less insulin spiking food... which implies to low in carbs food...
Try going low carbs...less than 100 Gms per day...
Ok sir . Thank u for guiding me . I will keep this in mind .
Dear friend reduce chappati,increase salad and cooked vegetables.Take what ever medicine you are taking with good morning walk.Thanks