Hello all. I have one query what should be the safe level of FBS , ppbs and hb1ac level of a person so that he can treat high bs without medication by exercise and diet only? Waiting for ur reply.
Treatment of bs by diet and exercise - Diabetes India
Treatment of bs by diet and exercise

FBS>100 PPBS >140 HbA1c>6.00.This is my understanding.Even lower,if you can.
Sir my question is that up to what level of FBS ppbs ha1c level we can treat it without taking medicines by doing exercise and diet control?
In the initisl stages it is possible to restrict diabetes by poper diet,timely meals,regular and adequate exercise and leading a stress free and disciplined life style. Abstinence from alcohol and smoking will help enormously.Keep monitoring st home and go for periodical check up,you canbe sure of post postponing the onset.Only problem with this equation is,diabetes is a progressive disorder That mssns as you grow older,diabetes becomes more and more difficult. So,you have to adjust periodical and resort medicine as as a lost resort.
Nice Sir that ur off to medications.Sir LCHF can be taken by diebitic High bp person also ?please reply. As I read that high bp person should take low fat diet.
for an established diabetic,it is safe for FBS to be not below 120, and PPS 130,below these levels it is ok as long as you are not feeling dizzy or short of energy.