Type 2 diabetes can be reversible. When some one test his fasting blood sugar is 420 in the age of 28.
Type 2 diabetes can be reversible - Diabetes India
Type 2 diabetes can be reversible

No test result is correct
Hello 19041991,
as 9885872144 already mentioned, such a high value for fasting seems well, too high.
Has this test been done by medical personnel?
Are you sure your fingers were clean and not covered with food rests?
Tests done by caregiver will provide more informations such as HbA1c, the "average" blood sugar over the last 2/3 months and many more that will give a clearer picture of your health.

Has your doctor talked to you about counting carbs for each meal and snack? How long has your numbers been in the upper 400's? Did you get put on an exercise routine?
Sorry every one i forget to mention that his 1st fasting test is 420 befor 7 month. But from 3 month his fasting all ways under 100 . He take low carb and do exercise regularly. And he take medicine regularly. My question is when he do every thing for his blood sugar control. is it possible his diabete can be reverse . he can free from medicine. He is now 28 i think long term medication is not good for his helth.
28 is pretty young age. What type D is he has ?