Diabetes Reversal - You Decide!: Looking... - Diabetes India

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Diabetes Reversal - You Decide!

MikePollard profile image
152 Replies

Looking forward to the film!


On the other hand you could try this:


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MikePollard profile image
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152 Replies
cure profile image

'U' Turn????

MikePollard profile image
MikePollard in reply tocure

There are so many vested interests it's like slowing, stopping and reversing a juggernaut then pushing it back uphill. The money invested in keeping people addicted to junk and the profits generated will keep that juggernaut rolling for a while yet.

However the genie is out of the bottle and won't be jammed back in. And it's the likes of savvy people like you and I and others here with access to the internet and inquisitive, critical minds will provide the impetus for change.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toMikePollard

However the genie is out of the bottle and won't be jammed back in. And it's the likes of savvy people like you and I and others here with access to the internet and inquisitive, critical minds will provide the impetus for change.

Very true MikePollard ..... and while doing that...our mind should be open...not biased with something....we must keep our mind open to all ideas....

Here is nice verse from Sanskrit....

अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्‌ ।

अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥

It means-

there is no sound that is not a mantra, no plant that is not medicinal |

there is no person unworthy, what is lacking is an 'enabler' ||

We should look at everything with positive mind.....we won't reach anywhere with biased mind....unbiased pursuit of truth is the only path to find facts....

homeopathy...Ayurveda...nature cure...everything is useful.... we have to apply our mind...and select what is beneficial for us.....by becoming swan and not stork....

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

Good one cure ...

Not even plants (If you further expand your views on medicine )...but water , air , breathe, sight , listening, talking everything is medicine ...it just need a change of vision towards the beautiful world full of so many resources to reach the same goal(Like with different ways/forms we realize God , but he is same) ...just a change of vision one day changes the world around you and inside you ...and healing starts from there ...you start feeling you got new eyes , new ears , new mouth and every sense is changed , which perceive the world all together differently :) and thats feeling of anti aging :D :D ...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


i have something for you. I just read that ghee is prohibited in ayurveda. Now that's your territory. Please find for us. Because here we recommend the use of ghee very strongly.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

is it??? I don't think so.... but let me find out....

rather...diabetes is suppose to be problem of agnimandya=low fire....and to make it burning again ghee is best....

But....sometimes ghee is not sufficient....

remember dialogue between Agni Deva and Krishna Arjun before 'Khandav van dah'??

Story tells us that one day Agni/God of fire approached Krishna and arjuna....he was looking pale....on asking the reason...he replied...due to various yagna and Ghee pouring in yagna his appetite has gone low...

And if at all he consumes Khandav van along with animals birds and herbs ...then he will burn bright again....

So alongwith ghee animals fats are also good for health...

here is story..


As per the texts, God Agni is the priest of the Gods. All the offerings to all the Gods were made via Agni i.e. one would pour those offerings in the sacrificial fire. During the times of Mahabharata there lived a King who performed large number of Yagnas and as a result of those Yagnas, Agni had to consume large amounts of Ghee (clarified butter). Consumption of so much Ghee caused some sort of stomach problem for Agni. Lord Agni took is ailment to Lord Bhrama who suggested that his ailment can be cured only if he consumes a lot of animal fat.

So..large quantity of Ghee is prohibited....rather anything in excess should be avoided....

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure

Read this

Prohibited diet for diabetics according to Ayurveda:

1. Kanda- moola (root-rhizome)

2. Ikshu (sugar cane juice)

3. Taila(oil)

4. Ghrita(ghee)

5. Guda(jiggery)

6. Kanjika/shukta(sour beverages)

7. Madya(alcohol)

8. Pishtanna(carbohydrate rich food)

9. Anupa mamsa(flesh of marshy land)

10. Dadhi (curd)

11. Navanna (new grains)

11. Divaswapna (day sleep etc)

Vijaysar is excellent herb for Diabetes.

This i have quoted from a link on HU.

20 types of diabetes"

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

yep from site easyayurveda....

here is one more....


see what he says....



According to Ayurveda the line of treatment of diabetes is strictly on individual’s constitution.

1) The prakrithi of the patient

2) Dosha predominance of disease

3) Dooshya vitiation

4) Obstruction in srothus

5) Manasika Prakrithi

6) Ahara & Vihara

7) Hereditary factors etc…

In general Diabetes Mellitus {Vathaja prameha}Patients are advised to have Bhrimhana medication & diet which increases dhathus in the body

So really speaking....it depends...person to person.

But let me get confirmed....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

on same site(easyayurveda) easyayurveda.com/2013/11/25...

....the owner of site says in comments...

Priya says:

March 21, 2015 at 7:23 pm

Does high consumption of ghee cause diabetes?


Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu) says:

March 22, 2015 at 3:46 pm

No. Ghee overconsumption does not cause diabetes


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


Although Ayurveda promotes its consumption for a variety of benefits, it also warns the obese to use this frugally.

According to B S Raheja, the ex-director of All India Institute of Diabetes, the present epidemics of diabetes, heart disease and some cancers is due to not including ghee in our diets.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


Yes. Obese should consume ghee frugally.

Now one more question. I read in one of your links that coconut oil is prohibited for D. Would you please let us all know because we are recommending vco to everybody. Those who follow vegan diet also have no objection to using coconut oil.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

sach bolu bhai suramo VCO se I am not convinced....

VCO se toh eat coconut meat....

VCO is western concept.....I guess they don't get fresh coconut oil...so use VCO

Further,fish fried in cold pressed coconut oil are lovely....

And I think even with LCHF....we must restrict our calories intake.

Ayurveda always say....MitBhuk...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


eating coconut meat is good but how much can one eat that ? It's very heavy. I spread grated coconut on my legume and veg dish.

We need oil for cooking. Well frankly i'm using coconad from klf - coconut oil for cooking. It contains 91% sfa and 47% lauric acid. It's comparable to vco. But price diff is big 170/ l v/s 500/. This all mind boggling is to get anti oxidants. Vco is better in antioxidant and antiinflammatory contents. Just a bit better. Somebody should do a comparative study between vco and co.

Yes. If we want to burn fat calorie restriction is must beyond the point where body compensates for reduced calorie intake. We have to switch our body mechanism to using fats as fuel from using carbs. Nutritional ketoacidotic diet.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


I prefer to eat one full coconut for breakfast....nothing else.... its keep me full till lunch....

Hmmm coq10+shilajeet or good home made chyavanprash are the best antioxidants....

For cooking use home made ghee....or cold pressed coconut oil....it is available in pune....I am sure it must be there in Ahmedabad....

Increase raw garlic...

Hmmmm now as far as fasting.....meter is showing 88 everyday for me :)

but pp is bad...150/160 after one hr....

yest it was good....134... :) working hard on that

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure

Not that bad your pp. That's my fbs. You must have good amount of beta cell function left. Gd.

What do you take in dinner ?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

1.5 chapatti of long wheat.. with sabji..any sabjee....plus ivy Guard /coccinica indica....single clove garlic...and curcuma amada pickle...

suramo tomorrow morning I am going for blood test....will let u know the results...

But what I suggest.....hope sonography is free for u...get your liver scanned....also pancreas...

Yest I got them scanned...earlier I was diagnosed NASH.....now that problem is almost resolved....but still some fat seen on pancreas....

I think once my pancreas gets fat free....I will get out of this....

By the way do u consume fruits??

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


i just received this message. May be helpful. Please confirm the authenticity.


Avbl in PUNE

My Dear Friends,

Medicine for BLOOD CANCER has been FOUND !!


Let it reach the CRORES of INDIANS.


Its available FREE OF COST at "YASHODHA Hematology Cancer Institute in Pune.

Create Awareness.

It might help someone.

Forward to as many as u can.



Yashoda Hematology clinic. 109, Mangalmurti complex, Hirabag Chowk,

Tilak Road,



020-24484214 or 09590908080 or 09545027772 or visit practo.com for appointment.


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


Looks like fake....

as all three numbers given are out of service....

However the address given is not far from my office.... will visit in person and get back...

But prima facie..it looks fake.....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure


read this.


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


well i also thought so. But what could be the intention?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo



mihirlimaye profile image
mihirlimaye in reply tocure

what you have done to reduce fat from pancreas and liver. in my case as well I diagnosed with fatty lever and diabetes. now my pp is 160 and fasting 130. so what is making 130 in night. but still I am not working hard when I run for 3 km , I got more relief .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure

Chyavanprash 😳😳. Hope you must not be using sugar. What then?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

Hmmm traditional chyvanprash will be mixed with Honey....

I will get it made as per scriptures..by a Ayurvedacharya....

HMMMM he is now Ayurvedacharya....But he was kid...and I use to give him chocolates....And Also I supply him some rare herbs some time....

So he will make it for me....as per scriptures....

LOL...thats my one more hobby....collection of rare herbs....and Dogs-Hounds...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


in reply tosuramo

There is available Sugar free Chyavan Vit from BaidyanathAyurvedic company and also Dabur company.

in reply tosuramo

cure what is your opinion about coconut oil available in manufacture in Kerala and other states which is pure one also and used for kitchen purposes. Is it good or equivalent to V CO. as you mentioned coconut oil is cheap of Rs 150-160 / kg but V CO it may more than 500 / Kg Are you used VCO orCO

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

dear Hidden

I never used VCO.....Cause I am not convinced with the concept of VCO.

Process of making VCO is something like taking out cocnut milk then fermenting the same.....the oil floats on top of residue which is collected....

I feel...(I may be wrong) VCO is for the western countries where availability of coconut is rare.... coconut is also very costly in western countries...

For us coconut is easily available cheap....just 20 Rs.per piece...one coconut is sufficient for full day... you can have it as cocnut milk.......instead of VCO if we consume coconut meat...it is more satiating....enjoyable..tasty....and supply us more fibers with many other nutrients which VCO lacks...

And about coconut oil....I use it for frying fish..... I love the taste.....

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


also vco, voo and evoo for use as a dressing. Heating and boiling cause them to lose their properties of anti oxidation and anti inflammation

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

very true suramo

where were you bhai.... was missing u...was about to call u on mobile.....but then dropped idea.....thought u must be busy with some emergency case

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


Someone from nizeria hacked my account. I could just recover.

But i'm really happy that you missed me. You can call me at anytime. Anybody can call me. I will surely answer if not busy.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

hmmmm guess same thing happened with Hidden

gphillip got some msgs from my Hidden and he couldn't reply back so sent me email....he thought he is banned from forum...

and that Hidden is also not seen on forum for last many days....

Something wrong here.....

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


looks like some people after us. Hmm. Jealous of our success. Kahi ye pharma companies and ada/aha to nhi.😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

wo ada or aha hai toh wo pakka @anup ko kidnap karnge....lol

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure

Arey nhi baba. Apni shamat lani hai kya 🙊🙊🙊🙊🙏🙏

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

suramo Apni bat toh nahi.....but be sure....wo USA wale.. abhi @anup ke piche lagenge.... itna bada usa ka business ka loss kar raha hai wo....

Apun toh bolega....wo anup apne ko sikhaya...dawa nahi kahe ki LCHF karne ka.....apun bach jayega... :d

He is already on hit list....


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure



cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

finally here suramo

read this very interesting...same site....


I would like to know about the connection between ojas and diabetes from the point of view of the diet, a diabetic person can take in. As I know, Sattvic food is very important for building ojas. But, doesn’t sattvic food in general have a sweet vipaka? If yes, will sweet vipaka affect blood sugar levels? If yes, do diabetics have no way of building up ojas?

now here is answer given by Dr hebbar..owner of site....

How to increase Ojas?

Regular intake of ghee, milk, and such other nutrition rich food.

Yoga, Pranayama, exercises, physical activities.

Mental exercises to improve concentration.

Prayer, Homa, Pooja and such other spiritual practices.

Being pious, righteous.

...Another reader asks – Home remedy to improve ojas for Vata Pitta person?

For Vata Pitta person, there is nothing better than ghee to increase Ojas. As per Ayurveda, cow ghee balances Vata and Pitta and it also improves Ojas. So, for people with such body type, regular (but limited) use of ghee in diet is recommended. Amla is also good to control Vata and Pitta.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


ye ayu hai na wo aap k bas ki baat hai. Aap ki links padhate padhate chakkar aa gaya. Kitne sare words samajane padte hai.

Well yoga, pranayam and exercise all increase our lung capacity from 60-70 % that we are using normally to around 90% so that more oxygen gets absorbed into the blood. we people generate lots of ros and the increased oxygen in blood help to clear it - ros. There is less oxidative damage to the body.

In ayu ghee always mean cow ghee. I have never seen a bhaisa around lord krishna. I don't know when, why and how buffalo milk and its products got introduced in our society.

Homa pooja havan etc to purify the atmosphere. In temples ghee is used daily twice in agnikundas. I always find the air in the temples refreshing and stress relieving. Sweetness of ghee always pleases me.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


are bhai nahi..... here is catch.....ppl think yoga and pranayam increases lung capacity....so we get many benefits.....

but I guess...they teach body to use oxygen more efficiently.....

Dekho...more oxygen....more oxidative stress??

Now look at those ppl who stay at high altitude.... most of ppl who lived long are high altitude ppl...there oxygen is less....so they use whatever oxygen available more efficiently....

so less oxidative stress so less free radicals?? so slow aging....

what happens with us....we do good exercise....burn lots of calories....but do not take antioxidants....

U know you can observe this at platforms on mumbai....there you will find many tribal from western ghats.... very fresh air....regular lots of walking....but they age so fast....

kyu?? for the same reason....

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


Nope. Oxidative stress means more nascent oxygen generated. To neutralize this o- we need more oxygen.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

Mitochondria (the “power plants” of cells) are believed to be one of the main sources of free radicals. Endurance sports use more oxygen, which sends more energy through your mitochondria. In theory, the higher your metabolic rate and energy needs, the more free radicals your mitochondria will produce.


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


you are looking from the wrong end. Higher metabolic rate as during exercise etc produces more ros. The body tries to get rid of these ros by increased oxygen consumption.

karch profile image
karch in reply tosuramo


Suramo...canyou please explain how O2 is utilized to get rid of O ion ...it is interesting and how does antioxidant work for this ? (We are walking chemistry lab it seems :) ...so many reactions are going in each cell of our body )

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tokarch


you have to refer to the biochemistry for this. One can't remember all the chemical reactions going in the body.

But in simple words there is aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms. aerobic when there is sufficient oxygen. The end product is water and co2. Both are inert and disposed off by the body easily.

Anaerobic occurring in absence of oxygen. The end product is acid, e. g. lactic acid. Makes the blood ph to fall damaging the cells.

karch profile image
karch in reply tosuramo

Anaerobic : is like fermentation ...

how come these free ions of oxygen generated ?My point is how can we minimize the generation of ions of elements in body ...if somehow we get to know how the ions are generated ...we can find out a way

karch profile image
karch in reply tokarch

See ...what I got ...short yet very basic and powerful article how free radical formed in body and how can we avoid them...dont forget to read the comments ...


The question is how much antioxidants and what effective AO we can get easily ??

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tokarch


these free radicals come from metabolism. Nature has made our body in such a way that we need oxygen as a fire to the fuels that we use for our metabolism. The free radicals/ ros etc is the debris of that process. We can't reduce generation of ros. Hibernating creatures can do but not us.

The only thing we can do is to train our body to imbibe more oxygen from the atmosphere. Also anti oxiidants are the substances which can neutralize these free radicals.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


don't get carried away by that article on oxygen. I didn't find much truth in it.

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

I felt many times ...by doing yoga and pranayam we get same benefits of antiaging ...as antioxidants give...you feel more elevated energy level ... brain function ...and many articles says fasting has same benefits...

Indian diet is deficient in antioxidants...so I guess now people are getting diseases in early ages as they used to get in old ages...this is also part of aging fast

Antioxidant ki baat to samajh mein aayi par ...Question is what happens to free radicals if we do yoga and paranyam or say even meditate(just by using brain) or fast ?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


from your ojas comment. I have observed that those who practice yoga daily in the morning for an hour or more have a great ojas on their face. I have met many and i recognize soon. I ask them if they are doing yoga and they say yes. You have examples of actresses Rekha and Shila Shetty before us.

Yes. Yoga increases ojas. And if anybody has doubt about effects of oxygen on our body watch baba ramdev. He has not greyed his hair yet. Hope he is not colouring his hair.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


for rekha and shilpa.. more than 'Ojas' guess they have very powerful 'Venus'.....

Rekha is ultimate yar.....first is Madhubala....then Rekha.....even Madhuri is nothing infront of her....

I have met madhuri few times....though she looks great on screen...not very attractive without makeup...

But yar...Shridevi.... she is something..I had an opportunity to have coffee with her in her room....just me and her.... ;)

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


o hello. Laut aao you romantic fellow. This is not about "venus ". By the way you didn't say anything about baba ramdev. Did you ever taken herbal decoction with him in his room......just you and him 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😜😜😜😜😜😜

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


Kya yar....Baba Ramdev kya rat ko 11 baje coffee pine ke liye company hai????

I had that chance during shooting of movie Lamhe.....

She was staying in hotel centaur then.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


But how did you convince her to take coffee with you? Great yaar.👌👌👌👌👌

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

actually it was regarding some event...and she gave me appointment at Mehboob studio...and asked me to meet her at Centaur.

By the time I reached there it was late....still as courtesy...she met me....it was 11.00 PM...we were only two....

Just coffee ......


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

hmmmm suramo basic principal of Ayurveda is imbalance of Kafa-vata-and pitta..

So accordingly Ghee is recommended or prohibited...

we can not make general assumption ....

here are two good sites...



cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

The ancient texts tell us that ghee has anti-pitta properties and that small amounts of it can stimulate agni without aggravating pitta [2, 4, 6]. Ghee is relatively high in a volatile FA called Butyric Acid (BA) and it is this acid in the free form that gives the rancid smell of spoiled dairy products [1, 72]. BA is an important short chain (4 carbon) FA, and is one of the several short chain FAs that is also produced by anaerobic fermentation of undigested dietary fibers in the colon. Recent data have shown that colonic irrigation with solutions of BA not only relieve the inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease, but also results in transcriptional changes in gut mucosal cells that are associated with increased FA metabolism and decreased oxidative stress [27, 28, 73].

Ghee is said to increase agni [2-4, 6]. Increased agni can be viewed as an increase in energy expenditure. When one is burning calories effectively, the body will respond by increasing hunger to take in more food to support that expenditure. In the diabetic mouse model, BA has been shown to increase energy expenditure and reverse insulin insensitivity, which from an Ayurvedic standpoint is viewed as compromised agni of Kapha origin [74, 75]. Further, BA has been shown to have anti-tumor activity [29, 30] which can be attributed to pacifying Kapha dosha. These data can be interpreted as increasing agni by pacifying Kapha but without aggravating Pitta.


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


very funny 😝😝😝😝

Ab iss mein samje kya?

Ha ya na ?

Cure i really want to know. I trust ayu a bit more.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


As per Ayurveda they have three type of Doshas...and and they say all problems are due to imbalance of the same..

now within these three u can have various permutation and combinations....

now as u have seen there are many type of diabetes ...all are out of these are out of permutation and combination of these three....

So first of all we have to understand what is our prakriti.... pitta vata or kapha....or some combination??

SoI gave rweference for website of Dr Khadilkar.

{here is one more....


see what he says....



According to Ayurveda the line of treatment of diabetes is strictly on individual’s constitution.}

Making any general statement is not possible....

further it is said....diabetes is due to 'Oja' kshya....

Oja concept guess similar to mitochondria function????

if you remember 'Khandwa van story....agani was fed ghee for 12 years.....(excess Ghee?)

and so he was low....

Guess animal fats....cured him....

So message we get.....ghee is useful...but not excess....

So Ghee in moderation is permissible for all...

But why ghee??? everything in excess should be avoided....

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


i'm 5'7" and 73.7 wt. Don't have pot belly. Am i obese ? Can i consume ghee? I don't mind consuming cow ghee even.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

yeah suramo I was coming down to that..after so much of academic discussion here lol

Hmmm Ayurveda says everything is good in moderation...further says... things should be consumed as per the balya....(as per the strength)

If you read those websites ..you will find that they say for krush patient strength giving medicines should be prescribed...

I think you can consume ghee...but do not do extreme.....

Guess what???? I am obese .... 5'10" now I am 95 KG.....

I do consume butter....hmmmm checked my cholesterol....no effect of same... even Dr. say shrimps are very bad for cholesterol....I do consume....no effect...

Guess our community is genetically made for shrimps consumption.

And Gujjus...they are made for ghee...Bajara nu rolto..ghee and gud...

mmmm miss that suramo....

Fikir not suramo....eat ghee...bindhast...but control mein...

May be in day or two I will get my current cholesterol reports...HBa1c...and also getting liver scan...

Hmmm something funny...

earlier my FBS was hovering around 115/100 and ppbs was 128/135....

Now FBS is 88/95.....but ppbs 175/155

No changes in diet....yeah walking is less due to rains....

Pata nahi yar kya lafada hai....

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


my body is also reacting mysteriously. Fbs 134_164. By the way you didn't say what do you take in dinner ?

in reply tocure

that means even fat , good fat even.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

about what Hidden ???

in reply tocure

you said everything in excess is bad , which I feel is correct .

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

oh yes Hidden

here is nice verse from Sanskrit...

अति दानात् बलिर्वधो ह्यति मानात् सुयोधनः

अति लौल्यात् रावणो हन्तः अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् |

means :

Bali met his end due to his extreme charity, Suyodhana (Duryodhana) was killed due to his excessive pride, far too much lust brought the end to Ravana. (Hence) give up 'excess' in everything.

in reply tocure


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

Everything....Fats carbs..proteins...

You know...even oxygen..... :)


in reply tocure

that's it.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


yes. In premature new borns indiscriminate use of oxygen leads to retinal damage. Yes but because of neovascularisation. But cure Neovasc is good for us. Even if you have tripple vessel block and you do yoga pranayama etc you may not have to undergo by pass because collaterals develop which supply enough blood to your heart.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


Well you say that....

collaterals develop which supply enough blood to your heart.

But mainstream doctors won't accept....

But you know here in Pune one doctor a renowned cardiologist is running classes of same.....

And they say bypass surgery is done to enhance quality of life....

If you restrict your activities....like what we diabetics are restricting carbs intake.... you don't need to go under knife.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

suramo cure Does nitric oxide actually help in development of collateral arteries?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale


Don't know....but they say it is useful for diabetic...


Abnormalities in the body’s production of nitric oxide have been implicated in high blood pressure, atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries), diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and stroke.

Scientists are furthest along in their understanding of nitric oxide in the area of heart disease. Normally, cells lining the inner wall of blood vessels secrete nitric oxide, which travels to the muscle cells around the blood vessels and causes them to widen, allowing easier blood flow. Impaired nitric oxide production may contribute to constricted blood vessels, high blood pressure (especially in the 90% of cases with no identifiable cause), and atherosclerosis. Scientists now know that nitroglycerin and similar drugs dilate blood vessels and help alleviate angina – temporary chest pain resulting from insufficient oxygen to the heart – because the drugs release nitric oxide.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


very right. NO prevents damage to the intima - inner skin of - arteries and arterioles. Thus atherosclerosis.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tojingale


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


now a days there is a trend MI > angiography > angioplasty or bypass before giving patients time to think. Patients and relatives are in panic and surrender to the advice.

There is person living just opp to my house. Heavy body. 3 vessels blocked 4 yrs back. Advised bypass but he didn't consent. Started walking and pranayama. Reduced weight to great extent. He is still fit and fine at 70+ age. You should have patience. And my friend underwent bypass without any complaints.

But pranayam and yoga do work.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

Yes....sure they work....

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

I have heard from many people that Baba Ramdev's lauki juice is also very effective.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

effective for?? lauki is good for heart..

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

effective in removing blockages...

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

Don't think so.... arjun is said to be strength giver to heart....but it is giving strength.... not clearing blockages....same with louki.

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

how about jeyshtha madh??? Mulethi???

jingale profile image
jingale in reply tocure

No idea. Arjuna is believed to clear blockages, right?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale

nahi yar....it just gives strength to heart

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure


see one funny thing here....botanical name of arjuna is....Terminalia arjuna it is said it gives strength to heart....

there is one more tree...Terminalia catappa cousin of Arjuna........u know which is this one???

A common tree by road side.... apan badamache zad mhanto....

Hmmm in Thailand and all over world it is used in aquarium to give strength to fighter fishes....

In thailand they have fish fights like dog/bull fights... putting one red leaf in pond given strength to fighter fish....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure


there is one more variety of arjuna tree....white arjuna.....not getting botanical name here :(

Very beautiful looking tree.... here in Pune we have that one....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tojingale


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tojingale




I don't know if it reached you or not. But get it translated.

MikePollard profile image
MikePollard in reply tocure

Cure, I know you understand the problem, and know you have a good heart. You probably believe that cutting out the cause is the answer. What I don't understand is your insistence in muddying the the waters with the ancient mystery. Insisting I have should an open mind to the possibilities is plain silly. I have been researching the subject of diet and health for 8 years now and can assure you that if there were a wonder pill, needle, herb or cow urine 'cure' I would have turned it up.

I can assure you have an open mind that is amenable to change. I believe in facts, and if the facts change, so does my mind. That is why I absolutely believe in hard science and data and why I am insulted when the only challenge to my stance is to suggest the data is compromised. Data is the ONLY thing we have to tease out the truth, and why double blind, randomised trials and peer reviewed publications are there to eliminate as much as possible bias and conflicting interests.

The plain facts are that if you continue a diet full of carbohydrate, which I assume you believe to be the cause diabetes, your diabetes will continue unabated. Try it - discontinue the Metformin or whatever and just try the wonder pill, needle, herb or cow urine in any combination of your choice and see what happens to you blood sugar. However science doesn't work like that - it's called confounding variables - so if there was an improvement, what was the element that did the trick?

Then why bother when the answer is staring you at you from a computer screen?

Look at the biggest low carb site in the world (and growing exponentially) and look at the success stories. Look at the heavy hitting contributors - check their provenance and challenge their conclusions if you can:


I can absolutely guarantee there will be no wonder pill, needle, herb or cow urine cures.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toMikePollard


Hmm..I never thought there is some wonder pill or herb which will cure my diabetes....

Never thought or some 'urine therapy'...even when most of ancients civilizations followed same...including 'Semitic religions' .

I wish you to do little more search on net about herbs like Coccinia indica...cinnamon .....nigella sativa....and turmeric and double blind studies done all over the world on these herbs by scientists of various universities.

There is no doubt that a diabetic should restrict on his carbs consumption.And to compensate he should increase good fats.There is no shortcut no wonder pill no 'fountain of youth' going to help.

At the same time one must admit that just by restricting carbs you are able to control you PPBS.....low carbs have very less effect on your FBS. And therefore these herbs are most essential and helpful for a diabetic.

Mike I learned lot from you.....I always mention your statement....but wish you could think about all possibilities to win this war without prejudiced mind.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


"At the same time one must admit that just by restricting carbs you are able to control you PPBS.....low carbs have very less effect on your FBS. "

Very right. With low carb i have almost controlled rbs but find it difficult to control my fbs.👍

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

Yes suramo

and FBS is major issue for many of us.... they say setting FBS right means you are on right path....

jan-ran profile image

That's one for the diary! Thanks for the info Mike.

makarim profile image

Dear Anup ji I again request you to keep quiet. Better only spread the news of LCHF .Where ever I find time I persuade people to switch to LCHF may be vegetarian or nonvegetarian..Thanks sir

RPTP profile image

It is better to be quiet as someone's aggression and filthy words can not be taken to the heart. IT IS LIKE ELEPHANT KEEPS ON WALKING AND D---- KEEP ON BA-----.

MikePollard profile image

Why waste your time Anup?

karch profile image

They just want to catch the moving wagon full of people and start selling their "xyz" drugs :D

What will happen if drug reduce present free radicals and generate more new ones...as if free radicals get electrons from someone to complete their orbit...the one who gave electron will become reactive and try to find someone else to get electron from ....this is a chain reaction ...the question is other ions apart from oxygen can also become free radicals ...isnt it ??

Its very confusing ...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tokarch


science is confusing. Simply anti oxidants + free radical isan inert product and removed from body without harming. If you know science look around you. Every metal is inert but then there are radioactive metals. They have free radicals and harmful. You have to neutralize them with substances- anti oxidants to make them inert.

karch profile image
karch in reply tosuramo

All heavy metals have isotopes and the protons nucleus repel each other, so radioactive metals are reactive to get rid of high tension of repulsion in nucleous...


Q:How come Yoga and fasting mimic the effects of antiaging as antioxidants and how effectively can we use them?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

hmmmmm.....may i answer? :P

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

yes ..yes please ..we will be enlightened :) ... why to ask for good things :)

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

neki aur puch puch....lol

Hmmm it is always said that yoga helps you to increase your lung capacity and so you get some anti aging effects...

But I think if it is so..then we will see same effects to athletes...they have bigger lung capacity....

if we keenly observe various asanas and effects described that particular asanas...we see that with that particular asana the pressure/sort of massage is created on same....

Like bhramari pranayam...or khechari mudra for thyroid problem....by bhramari pranayam.. sort of vibrations are made which stimulate thyroid glands .

But its pranayam...the control on your breathing...which teaches your body to utilize oxygen more efficiently....

And so body uses less oxygen ...more efficiently used oxygen.........less oxygen....less free radicals.....

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

Good one...why dont you start writing blogs ...(and this is not joke )

"khechari mudra" what is that ?

karch profile image
karch in reply tokarch

Do you want to say ...with pranayam ...do we learn to tune our breathe for utilizing O2 better in body?? But what about meditation ...meditation /mind power is also amazing if talk to treat diseases or antiaging....how does that work??

I see if yoga combined with guided meditation gives amazing results...and without meditation its like body without soul

Q: Does brain is also somehow related to release chemicals/hormones which can slow down the generation free radicals and so put a brake on aging?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

Yes.... its all brain....who else? why your FBS goes up??? its brain....if you can control brain....you can even regrow your beta cells.

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

and what about each cell of body which has shut its door for insulin ...IR?

I have heard that in Rajyoga we meditate to heal the body with the help of visualization , dont know how effective it is ??

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

I also don't know....but its all about brain and glands....

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

Hi Cure...

I think Khechari Mudra is beneificial for body , as saliva is basic in nature and contains enzymes ....so by doing khechari kriya we get a lot of saliva ...and that help making digestion better and making body basic

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

hmmm...it is hathyoga.... not for us....

Let yougis enjoy all this....

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

true ... getting enough saliva to make body basic was the basic idea...which is useful for us

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

Ajwain amala..imali....are best options to make more saliva :P

karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

:) ...even tasty sugary food makes you salivate more :D

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

hahahaha And tundey ke kabab.....

netram halwai ki kachori.....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

hahaha i am sure...you must have googled it by now

It is hath yoga.....not recommended for the normal humans....


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch



karch profile image
karch in reply tocure

Hmm...Look into article


suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


"And so body uses less oxygen ...more efficiently used oxygen.........less oxygen....less free radicals....."

adi baba. Oxygen doesn't produce free radicals.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

lol @adi baba

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure



But you have yet to answer what ayu says about coconut oil. Is it prohibited for D?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


We can not make general statement....prohibited or not....

There are various types of D explained in Ayurveda....

It is all combination of Kafa vata and pitta...

So it depends of what is the cause of diabetes...

Hmmm you will surprise that Charaka prohibits salt for diabetic....not sugar...

May be sugar was not known in those days....

But my experience is different...I am feeling better with rock salt.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


rock salt is K+. Sea salt Na+

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo


here is link explaining various salts and effects of salts by Ayurveda....

Out of this...I know kala namak....sea salt.....saindhav and souvirchal salt

Baki malum nahi.....




1. Saindhava Lavana – Rock salt

2. Souvarchala Lavana – Sochal salt or black salt (Primarily Sodium chloride with trances of Sodium sulphide, Sodium sulphate etc)

3. Bida / Vida Lavana – A type of black salt / Sodium sulphate

4. Samurda Lavana – Common salt (Sodium Chloride)

5. Romaka / Sambhara Lavana – Earthen salt.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


no salt comes in pure form unless purifed. Sea salt which we used in our childhood contained traces of K and vice a varsa.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tokarch


mere bhai. Baba ramdev ko hi dekh lo na. It's because of yoga. Ye oxygen ka kamal hai

karch profile image
karch in reply tosuramo

Read this :


This is new in market :)

It says due to problems with respiratory system ...the mitochondria does not work properly and ppl face many metabolic problems including cancer

and then try to solve the problem X by using AO...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tokarch


obviously. If lungs are not functioning properly enough oxygen would not be supplied to the tissues. More ros generated. Now if you can't make lungs to absorb more oxygen what is the option left?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tokarch


Ab ye respiratory system k problems ko cancer se jodna thik nhi. There is no science in it or the incidence of cancer would be more in patients with asthma and COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disesaes caused by chronic smoking and asthma.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tosuramo

sleep apnea is also cause of diabetes???

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply tocure


Ab ye koun bola? Hmm. Stress theory. Cortisol theory.

Has sleep apnoea as a cause of D appeared in standard medical text book. Hmm. Again ada / ama / aha.🐒🐒. Kitna lafada hai yaar.


karch profile image
karch in reply tosuramo

Hmm I think he must have done more deeper study than before publishing this article ...All we know is the shallow ones

all he wanted to say that origin of many chronic diseases is mitochondria of a cell ...and mitochondria get damaged by free radicals ...now the big question remains is what can we do to make our mitochondria , so that it doesnt get damaged and people who live much longer I guess their mitochonria is quite healthy for whole of their life

...you never know how many truth are buried just to back drug industry ....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tokarch

Chyvanprash banao.....Chyvanprash khao....aur tandurust ho jao... karch

mitochondria ki ek hi dawa.....

chyavanprash chyavanprash....


karch profile image

I dont take any medication of thyroid ...My wife's thyroid got corrected with yoga (no medicine )...all test for thyroid came perfectly fine this time ...so I guess mine also will get corrected ...main thing is to continue yoga after getting healed for some time to reverse sideffects ...after all body knows to heal itself ...all we need is to cooperate with it

The problem with ALA is the interaction with thyroid medications ...so if we dont take medications ...we can use it ...isnt it ??

karch profile image

yes ...good point ...whatever un-natural we are feeding to body is harming ...human body is really a great creation by nature evolved over thousands of years ...see the automatic function of each cell ...we are being so intelligent and feeding man made things and making it age faster than it is designed for

karch profile image

and what about :


Thinking to try this

karch profile image
karch in reply tokarch

But again you said drugs generate free radicals ...what about these man made so called antioxidants/food supplements ..are they safe ??

karch profile image

hmm...means Ca consumption should be increased ...and so vitamin D and so fat ...

karch profile image

Hmm...My concern was when we have some pills there are additives , to preserve ...to bind and we are going to take the same for years and daily ...dont you think that we should really think about natural and safe alternatives ...as its not a matter of 10 days or 1 years ...This question is troubling me since long ..Anup...it is safe to go on so many food supplements ?? or what can be better way out ...as the food is laced of so many additives itself ...pesticides ...artificial fertilizers ...or" its just a bout of overthinking :D "

karch profile image

See what I got :


Point # 4 Antioxidant Supplements

Thats what I was afraid of ...

karch profile image

why not living on land ... and eat natural food ...rather than riding on devil or dive in deep sea :)


MikePollard profile image

Well guys, 122 replies and growing. Any consensus yet or is it same old same old same old?

I'm guessing another 122 replies!

suramo profile image


1) you can't minimize the free radicals if you have no addiction. But surely if have some bad habit like smoking and you give it up.

2) go for the best anti oxidant without any tag - oxygen. By yoga exercise etc.

How much time daily these sarvangasana and halasana tobe made for cure the thyroid problems No medicine required ?

It is difficult to consume too much liquid form You also covered Ayurveda and homeopathy in combined form both system different . In Allopathy tablets or capsules given it is easy to consume any time either in thehouse or going outside ontours also.

So any talets type medicine if in homeopathy for quickcontrol please share.

Further i carb is the main source of sugar level increaseing in the factor.

If you consume one or 2 glucosetablets immediatley after 30 minuts blood sugar rise huge no.So toavoid excessof carb isgood thing

You are iformed for blance diet In Balnce diet 50-55 % carb it may be too much for the diabetes person. Then excess of sulfunal;urea to be taken otherwise Blood sugar spikes huge no.

As a homeopathic Doctor what is your suggestion or diabetic diet to be planned

Can you share the diabetic dietplan for vegetarian how to maintained blood sugar level in normally.

suramo profile image


gd that you believe in homeopathy. But other pathies have also much to offer. Our aim should be to reverse D. Whatever and howsoever we achieve that is not important. By the way allopathy can in future have a definite cure by stem cell therapy.

cure profile image

Nah.....diet is utmost important....even with your main stream medicines....If you don't follow diet....no medicine....no herb....nothing will work....

Diet is prime....so low carbs is first....that is first step....your base.....once your base is firm....you can look for more options.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

as MikePollard says stop doing what you were doing...and you won't get what you have got...

So change your diet first....

go for low carbs first....then take help from various herbs....

I feel fatty liver is problem for many of diabetics....so cure it with help of cinnamon turmeric...reduce you IR with methi dana.

But still if you continue with high carbs...these herbs will also not help u

cure profile image

Hidden and very you curtail carbs...from where you will get those calories required for your day to day activities with stressing beta cells???

Reducing stress on already stressed beta cells should be first aim.Help them to heal naturally.

cure profile image

Very true...I am consuming high cholesterol producing food....but still less impact on blood cholesterol.. Even when I was not diabetic... I use to eat lots of non veg...fried items...shrimp still it hardly crossed 200 mark.

cure profile image


I suggest you practice lch* for 3 months itself as experiment... Then you yourself decide.

suramo profile image


" I never said that other pathys do not work " i never said that you are against other pathys.

I would surely like to know your philosophy on D. I may or may not agree..

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