Here are some questions and answers for how to handle and manage Diabetes. The questions are sent in by Caregivers, Patients, School Staff, etc.. The group that posted the questions are from the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation.
Diabetes questions and answers... - Diabetes India
Diabetes questions and answers...

cure .. Very informative link...

cure ,
This is very helpful and makes a person think about what they can and can not do to improve/change the way they deal with diabetes for themselves and in general. Thank you for sharing this.

Excellent link and I have subscribed to their news letter.So many questions,and the answers to the point.Now,I have a question.When we discuss the ranges for sugar levels,is there anything to consider if the person is old,like me,75?.My physician seems to imply that at my age it is OK if I notice relatively higher sugar levels.What is your take,please?
ramana42 you are very learned.old timer in this forum...
But ok i will try to answer...
What will happen if there is no strict sugar control is followed?
As every one knows over the period...diabetic complecations will set in..
Now what does over the period means?
5..7...10or 15....depends on person..his health& sugar control.
But as human life expectancy of 100 yrs..and if till now there are no serious may cheat some times to enjoy life..
Sugar control is not only goal in life...but over all health and joy are also very important.
Old timer sure.But say that I am learning and not learned,I agree.
Every diabetic patient should visit this webpage for better knowledge and understanding.