Two months, 177 replies.: ..So there it is... - Diabetes India

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Two months, 177 replies.

MikePollard profile image
26 Replies

..So there it is guys, this is your challenge which I invite you to participate in. There are enough believers here to step up to the plate, but if you don’t then you and they are living in a fool's paradise being led by fools or people with an agenda other than saving the world that involves a certain self aggrandisement.

I wrote and posted the above 2 months ago, 177 replies and the post still live, where do we go from here?

My challenge was to people believing that long wheat is somehow different to short wheat  and has nebulous miracle properties (I can't believe I'm writing this; however).

So believers, how has it been?

Have you been checking your numbers? Writing a log four times a day so you have evidence to present to the world keenly awaiting for the long wheat miracle?


I thought so.

Post script.

This is not a diatribe against people believing that long wheat is a cure for diabetes. 

I understand the craving for easy answers. I also know that Shooter George is a nice man doing his best. However my challenge still stands, if you have followed the long wheat protocol over the last two months and the results are unequivocally positive, then it is your duty to publish the your research to the benefit of the T2 diabetics worldwide.  

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MikePollard profile image
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26 Replies
cure profile image

Hmmm....I am using long wheat....I don't know about cure....may be cure will not I am not following exact Long wheat mash diet.

But what I found is ...long wheat spikes less than normal wheat...

Any one can check this at home meter..

Further I can not vouch for long I am following both..LCHF(Which I found very logical and also got immediate results) and Long wheat( which I found reliable after checking on home meter).

I am just in 4 th month as diabetic :-(

in reply to cure

Long wheat must be the older species of wheat and hence may contain lesser carbs And more proteins 

Also possibly lesser gluten 

MikePollard profile image
MikePollard in reply to

Maybe, but why would a T2 want to consume slightly less carbs than anyone else when carbs are the problem? 

in reply to MikePollard


But that's how it is

We are used to have grains 

It's a paradigm shift not to have grain based meals

Many just cannot even imagine such a diet

I am looked upon as a wierd kind of person if I mention of grain free meals..

in reply to

It is not about the lower carbs in LW shashikantiyengar. Truth is LW or rather Emmer wheat belongs to the class of wheat known as ancient wheat, meaning that they have not been genetically modified.

Modern wheat is genetically modified and contains very high gluten, a far cry from say Biblical wheat which Yahweh himself recommended as staple food along with milk and honey. High gluten can wreak havoc on the body as we are not designed to handle that much gluten. The other 3 ancient wheat grains are

[1] Spelt (now being introduced into India by a Dutch company - a joint venture with Indian govt),

[2] Khorasan a.k.a. Kamut,

[3] Einkorn.

In Italy the general umbrella term "Farro" can apply to any or all of the 3 grains: spelt (F. grande), einkorn (F. piccolo), emmer (F. medio)

I think Kamut and Einkorn wheats are not found in India but one can order them online.

There are other grains/seeds that are ancient and mostly unmodified genetically like quinoa, chia seeds, teff,

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Thank you for the information 

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@cure  Hidden   - thanks for the feedback SKY (sorry takes too long to type your name). I forgot to add that high gluten is now a high suspect in causing intestinal inflammation, intestinal permeability and the link to diabetes is there... consider the explosion in diabetes globally and if you look all the big cities... there is also an explosion in the bakery industry which is churning out genetically-modified wheat products... much of the genetically-modified wheat flour is also bleached with alloxan.  Google up alloxan and you will be shocked to read that is the chemical used in the lab to induce diabetes in experimental mice, rats, etc. !!!  So there are at least 2 causal culprits here... rubbing salt (alloxan) to the main injury caused by GMO wheat as they say.

Natural Health: "You may want to think twice before eating your next sandwich on white bread. Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas." 


in reply to

I always mention alloxan when I talk about bakery products in my circle

Alloxan is a byproduct of bleaching 

Generated in micro qty 

Manufacturers claim that it's harmless but we know it otherwise....

in reply to

not only alloxan, but also MSG too - both destroy beta cells from what I read. MSG is also used in the lab!

in reply to

MSG destroying beta cells. News to me. Thank you. Will read more on this. 

MikePollard profile image
MikePollard in reply to cure

I am prepared to concede that long wheat may not spike blood sugar as much a modern wheat variety, nonetheless it is still an easily digested carbohydrate. The same effect can be observed by eating resistant starches such as peas and beans, but they would hardly be offered as a 'cure' for diabetes.  

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to MikePollard

Very true....even same type of effect can be created by mixing psyllium husk and fenugreek seed while grinding wheat.

But as we see calories are not calories...when we consume high fat low carbs we have answer where those extra calories goes????

I do agree carbs are carbs....but there are many ppl on net cursing modern modified grains...Wheat..

As we see there is huge increase of diabetes in me reason is these modified grains...

Long wheat is unmodified wheat(besides some experiments done by Dharwad university).

I don't know about may happen or won't.....but as I am indian....our diet is grain based (here I would like to mention that we mostly consume whole grains only) If at all I am consuming some grains...I am choosing long wheat over other grains....

I am yet to graduate to keto diet yet.

I have managed to be grain free some of the days

Really felt good

But difficult to do every day due to resistance from spouse 

cure profile image

Agreed.....Carbs are carbs......

but do we say same for calories are calories???

cure profile image


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to cure

It is failed....cause human body is very complicated....we really don't know how many things.

As ppl demonized coconut oil....when infact coconut oil is processed by body differently...

Similarly.....I agree long wheat got carbs....but do we really don't know how body process those carbs???

Look at todays results.... I get one hr PP sugar 118/ as experiment I had normal wheat...and blood sugar spiked 145 at one hr.

cure profile image

Very true....Infact i suggested that it will be interesting to read original scripture...and verse from the ancient text..where long wheat is mentioned as cure for diabetes......

It is said that Dutch introduced wheat to India....

And that was just 16th century...not very old....

But diabetes is known to Indians for 1000 years...But I never heard long wheat as cure prescribed in any Ayurveda scripts.

But may be mentioned in some old texts from Kerala....kerala is known for ayurveda...

I don't know what is science behind that....

But before refuting that I must give it a try.

I am also going for new castle experiment.

Let us see....

Guidance of you is very valuable for me.(Also shashikantjee)

jingale profile image
jingale in reply to cure

cure  ji,

Wheat has been cultivated in India at least since 6000 BC. :)

The Dutch never got a proper foothold in India to influence the agriculture here, and were nearly wiped out by Martand Varma of Travancore in early 1700s. 

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to jingale

Hmmm  jingle may be you are right.....

but point is..

But diabetes is known to Indians for 1000 years...But I never heard long wheat as cure prescribed in any Ayurveda scripts.

But may be mentioned in some old texts from Kerala....kerala is known for ayurveda...

cure profile image

yes..very true anupjee....its big paradox .....

But wheat was never traditional food for keralites ....even now days Normal wheat is rarely consumed...

Even when coconut oil is best and available ...modern keralites are using some other oil for cooking.

cure profile image

yes...very true....but is VCO good for cooking???

How about having coconut meat instead of VCO we can get fiber also some other nutrients...

I am using cold pressed coconut oil for frying fish.Its very tasty.

Is VCO better than Desi ghee??

cure profile image

hmmmm yeah I know....even now days what they suggest as milk thistle...paneer dodi.....etc are also not mentioned...

And I myself feel very risky to use them.

cure profile image

'Dodi Phodi'......;-) 

Low carb is 200% logical and sure shot method.

jingale profile image

While we are at it, I came across this piece, which suggests that Lauric acid, that forms the bulk of MCTs in coconut oil, is not metabolized like its other components that bypass the lymphatic system, thus providing instant energy -

Given the track record of this chap of spinning lies to promote his brand of coffee, I am taking this assertion too with a fistful of salt. What do you think?

jingale profile image

Not sure why I am unable to tag you in replies.

You did mention elsewhere that Dr. Attia consumes 30 gm of MCT oil every morning. It would be interesting to know the composition of MCT oil that he drinks. Does he respond to queries on email?

What I have read is that Lauric acid(C12) is separated from MCT oil derived from coconut, and is used in making cosmetics. The residual MCT oil which is predominantly C6, C8 and C10, is sold as dietary supplement Liquid MCT. The article claims that lauric acid doesn't bypass the lymphatic system, while the Liquid MCT does.

jingale profile image


BTW, how is VCO different from ordinary coconut oil used for cooking in India, as far as the MCT content is concerned?

Please pardon me for the barrage of questions. :) 

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