I am 40 years crossed and checked my sugars level and result came as FBS -100 PLBS -120...am I stand in Stage 2 Diabetic means Pre Diabetci?
Am I Pre Diabetic?: I am 40 years crossed... - Diabetes India
Am I Pre Diabetic?

Salt, Sugar, milk & Oil (other than direct natural source) will result in many diseases including Hypertension (BP) and Diabetes now or later. You should eat your food which is as raw & natural as possible. Example- Rice should be hand-pound / not polished. Eat carrot uncooked. Mainly you should not eat for taste / enjoyment / time-pass but keeping needs of your body. ("The real seat of taste is not the tongue but the mind." in "Experiments In Dietetics" by Gandhiji). You will not have any health issues once you follow it.
Normally fastinng sugar leels show around 115 and post lunch results show 140 and beyond 140 and upto 200 is considered as pre diabeic status. By managing diet and excercises and walkng pre diabetic condition can be reverteyd. pl. try and feel happy.
You are absolutely not pre diabetic. Only start avoiding more sugary food, cold drinks and bakery products. Do exercise, All doctors try to frighten patients. Don't go to doctor for diabetes.
You are pre-diabetic and must see a doctor. Please don't use this forum for medical advice. Use it only for general information.
We cant say she is not diabetic.It is time for her to be more careful about her diet,exercise,medicines etc.Is it necessary that only diabetic patients can join in this forum?People are able to understand a lot about this disease.They can even help their parents,relatives and friends.Have a great day...
Thanks a lot.Usually,if yoursugar level is more than normal,it is not going to come down with out medicines.Iknow many,who is taking care of food,exercise etc,it is not going up a lot,but still it is there.Same case after food too.Now a days ,it is common in Kerala and after a fever ,cold or so ,defenitely ,it will come up.Monitoring is very essential.........