One of our members has come out with a very important & useful information. In the name of all the diabetic patients world over may I take this opportunity to extend a heart-felt thanks to he,his team & their NGO. I have noted down the phone numbers of their contact persons. For the benefit of all needy patients, the response of at is reproduced below:
Dear Sir,
Based on Mr.George experience and others followers ,I also decided to follow the suit.In Maharashtra locally it is called Khapli and scientifically called as Triticum diccoccum. Due to its demand ,we have cultivated long wheat from authentic seed and now it is available as we have just harvested at BAIF Development Research foundation ,Uruli-kanchan ,Pune (Agriculture division, contact person Dr.Kauthale ,Land line No. 020-26926248 ,26926265 ,26926448 ) and in Bihar (PATNA) -BAIF -Bihar programme ,H.No-2 ,Road No.8 ,East Patel Nagar ,Patna (land line No- 0612-2292486 and contact person Mr.Anjani Singh (08873035217). Price at Uruli-kanchan ,Pune is Rs.45/kg while at Patna ,Bihar it is Rs.35/kg.
I am not able to paste the photo's of long wheat .BAIF is a leading NGO and research organisation working in the field of rural development for last 47 years.Being diabetic myself for last 10 years ,I and my other colleagues wish have a try with this method the person incase you are near by this place.