Control of FBS: Most of prediabetic persons... - Diabetes India

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Control of FBS

9 Replies

Most of prediabetic persons have not controling FBS at early morning If the FBS inearly morning is high more than140 how to control it and bringback to normal value

9 Replies

If FBS is above 140,probably the person is already a full blown diabetic.Better undergo FBS,PPBS and HbA1C and confirm whether he is diabetic or not.If the results are positive follow the advise of the doctor and keep monitoring at regular intervals.The concept of pre- diabetes is not of much use because most people do not realize that they are diabetic as the symptoms are not always obvious and by the time they realize their problem,their condition would have progressed to unacceptable levels.

in reply to

What the normal range of pre- diabetic at an early morning FBs and also without consuming food after 2 or 3 hours after body starts activity Are u tested this continius up to 1 or 2 PM only consuming liquid food

What the normal range of pre- diabetic at an early morning FBs and also without consuming food after 2 or 3 hours after body starts activity Are u tested this continius up to 1 or 2 PM only consuming liquid food

You need not be concerned too much about prediabetes.If you have a family history of diabetes, or obese or excessively thirsty or pass urine too frequently or feel itching sensation, get yourself checked for diabetes.Give a fasting blood and urine samples and again after 1.5 to 2 hours after normal breakfast.The lab will give you result on the same day.Fasting should be between 90 to 110 and between 110 and 140 after breakfast.If you get higher readings,then go foe HbA1c test.The result will tell what was your sugar level during past three months.The reading should come below 7.If it is above 7,consult a good diabetologist.If the result is close to 7,you can easily bring it down by controlled diet,regular exercise and a disciplined life style.Go for regular check up to ensure that your sugar levels are under control.You should also gain as much knowledge as you can about diabetes without worrying about it unduly.

Please open the above links.There is very useful information.

gangadharan_nair profile image

Fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dL. Post-prandial blood sugar ( 2 hours after taking food) should be less than 140 mg/dL.

* Don't consume food after 7:00 pm.

* Eat less food more times in a day.

* Consume low carbohydrate high protein diet.


in reply to gangadharan_nair

I am already informed my previous discussions. Most of members always recomonded and give the link of LCHF What is the necessary

Most of members were already diabetic in more than years Our aim is share the own expereince

These members always says carb is danger protein also spike BS they want only Fat so they most ly eat always eggs and muttons etc.some of vegitable only ?

For this most of them are not like walking yoga excercises Always they says Excercis and walikng is waste of time instead of walking they eat egg and mutton always says others are used high sulfunal urea they cannot use any mdicines

From seveal discussion in thisblog itself most of LCHFfollowers were u used daily

ALA 300 mg 2 times coq 10 2 times supryadan multivitmin tablets 2 times and even Vitamin D also they used

But any one cannot clarify how sulfunal urea effect the kidney function no answer they given.

My example more than 20 years my kidney function tests give very good position I am already share the details

Further also any self experiement ifshow post in this blog it is accepted

Forearly morning after wake up FBS result and taking only coffe or tea upto breakfast how much members may be tested ? If Data avilable please share

As per Doctors statement after wake up body start toactivate hence BS some raises depending upon your activeness After comingrest gradually it decreases to normalvalue

I think Doctors studied so much and so many years But diabetic peoples may not known any thing but comment without any exoerience or testin

So any testing dome by your end please share yourdetails if u interested

GANGADARAN NAIR and INDIACRATUS may share your opinion about this

Yes Meetu and others members Iam already diabetic since 20 years

I amtaking Glynase MF 1-0-1/2 daily from last 4 motnhs My diet plan alsoshown in previous my discussions.

Theinfirmation also discussed inprevious time also but not exact answer was not found I am found from google search and other health magzine which was also not tallied my situation.

Therefore Iask all members if this circumstances if any please share your expereince

1 My opinion consuming food is also low then aftergoing walk it may be raising

2 Doctors says it is common phenomina by the body start activate afterwake up going walking or doing work it automaticallyraise the blood sugar it is temprarily after taking food it reduces

3 I am maintaining my own diet plan according to my body resistance iam daily doing walking mroning and yoga excercise and evening walking Totaly I am not a sedentary life myage is 60 I am so much active more than most of persons

Sedentary life became fat men obsity comes aftersome times u need not walk independently Most of fat persons have not diabeties butthey do not walk at leasr 1km ata time for this they take 3 stop but also have very tried Only special cases Athletics boxing players and WWf players have overwt but also they strong This is only 10 % of peoples

O K of course now time walking is not necessary because every house occupied 2 cars and 2 Two wheelers therefore there is notnecessary to walking Even 15 20 meter distance they may go with bike or active etc.

further now step and walking apparatus andtread mills and excercise cycles obtained from market they may use it .

with out expenses and for freshness the peoples like me interesting in walking and yoga The peoples do walk excercise and yoga their mind became fresh their blood circulation is also improved

For this habit even I am 20 years from diabetic my FBS is within 88-95 and PPBS most of time it is inbetween 98-118 occassionaly it raises due heavy breakfast or meals that is also within 136

I think most of my figures already shared in previous discussions.

Further I may not any thing about the daily food about others it depend their body resistance I am not opposite to LCHF and also ADA but studingboth I have consume my own diet plan Further one thing we the diabetic patients so much years the body resisting power down year by year after some time we must go for doctos for consult further any complication arises in future we may not neglecting them

lastly donot think otherwisei am not criticising u or any members this is only sharing our experience

From several days I am not in the station and going to tour in South India hence Iam not seen any mails or any blogs also.

Thanks to all the members to share their opinion in the discussion.

This HEALTH UNLOCKED Groups contains most members and also they follow .different methods for diet and medicines total their aim is to control the BS and to live with happy life

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