Report after consuming LWMDR for one month.
Report after consuming LWMDR for one month. - Diabetes India
Report after consuming LWMDR for one month.

What is LWMDR ??
Long wheat is understood what is mash diet please elaborate.
Saxenaji, could not read the table. Hope you are better.
Hi Mam
Thank yoy. I am very much ok. IN short my fs 100 and pp 103 after consuming LWMDR after on month. I used it not in strict manner but result was perfect. Thanks to GOD and Sir George. I observed my BS level mear by 100 all the time .....fs pp or random......thanks to god and sir george again.
I am so glad. Keep moving as well. Exercise is also very beneficial as shooterji will vouchsafe.
Hi @saxenaen, The information I could make out are as given below. (ND = Not Done, '?' = Not clear)
Date...-- (FBS)----(PPBS)
??.01.'14- (?07) (1??)
03.08.'14- (11 (1?8)
18.08.'14- (125-) (145)
18.10.'14- (11 (--ND)
31.10.'14- ( 91-) (102)
04.11.'14- (10 (115)
06.11.'14- (ND--) (105)
08.11.'14- (ND--) (1?4)
09.11.'14- (112-) (--ND)
15.11.'14- (ND--) (?05)
17.11.'14- (ND--) (102)
19.11.'14- (77) (--ND)
22.11.'14- (ND--) (83)
25.11.'14- (103) (--ND)
27.11.'14- (ND--) (101)
30.11.'14- (100) (103)
The numbers are good & are in limit BUT DON'T BE UNDER THE WRONG IMPRESSION THAT YOU ARE CURED; IT NEEDS SOME MORE TIME. FBS is at the upper limit. It indicates that the hepatic Insulin function is not yet up to the mark. Please continue LWMDR & keep reporting test results.