Diabetes is not curable,but it can be controlled.Pl. don't mislead the people who are diabetic.Patients are prepared to go to any extend if a complete cure is offered.Some are taking advantage of this fact.
CURE FOR DIABETES: Diabetes is not curable... - Diabetes India

My wife is having diabetes and she is having Bitter Neem leaves boiled in hot water and consuming in the morning which is known to be better for diabetes. But please let me know is there complete cure for Diabetes. I am awaiting for an eager and anxious reply at the earliest.
There is no cure for diabeties, but well controlled by life style changes like exrecise,food,low carbohydrate high soluble fiber . One of the neglect aspect in the present generation lack of vitamin D. Particularly this is an important life style changed now days, avoidence of sunlight. Litertaure says that type I& type II are related to vitamin D deficiency. Apart from vitamin D supplementation take calcium.
All Alopathic Doctors and even Diabetic pateints sufferedfrommore than 6 yeas may known that diabetics is not curable.Whosays this / if any one says he is some more bemnfit from patients tocure and making mony purpossand to advertise his anyproducts by the name of Diabeties Thanks
I agree that diabetese is not curable. It can be brought under control with diet, drugs and exercise.
Very True ....