Is erectile dysfunction related to diabetes... - Diabetes India
Is erectile dysfunction related to diabetes type 2 ? Is it a side-effect of years long use of anti-depressant medicine? Any effective remedy

the most effective is to bring your blood glucose under control and reduce the use of antidepressants

If someone is still in depression then it could be the cause for ED. One of the side effect of antidepressant is ED. Otherwise high blood sugar is the main cause in diabetics. If BS is the problem then lowering BS is the best solution.
It is both DM and anti depression med. May cause ED so please see a good Doctor.!
i am type 1 diabetic having high insulin dosages .lately i noticed ED for last 2-3 yrs .DOCS recomend taking mild dosages of drugs like VIAGRA, CIALIS , LEVITRA etc. Where do u get these drugs /or any on line supplier is there??. there are number of fake &duplicate sellers are reply/kN
Many thanks for the above points.Really I appreciate very much.
Please clarify the following:-
1. point 25 and 26 for how long period should be used and how can we use both in one day.(Empty stomach)
2. In point 25 you are advising to consume water only. What about methi dana. I have read in some prescriptions that
methi dana and water both should be taken.
I can't search till now.
So kind of u to reply with so many detailed suggestions! Owe u gratitude.
Sir, In point # 26, do we have take this milk only once or for how many days?
I have type 2 diabetes, have never taken any anti-depressants or anti-psychotics, but all of the above are known to contribute to causing or be related to ED symptoms in general. Exercises and medications are probably the best remedies, its really easy to get a prescription to ED drugs, I did almost as soon as I mentioned ED to my Endocrinologist. The drugs are expensive, but they really work and there are actually safe and effective generics available from reliable sources outside of the country. I've been ordering generic Cialis from this site, and its way cheaper than any local pharmacy, with or without insurance. Has anyone here used ED drugs, either brand names or generic versions? Did you continue to use your normal Diabetes regimen/meds?