I tried and my sugar level is under control.I m happy to share this with you.
i came to know through my friend that there... - Diabetes India
i came to know through my friend that there is a doctor in kerala by name ajayalesh who gives medicine wdout side effect for our diabetes.

hai thank you
nice to hear but what is it related to ? i mean ayurvedic ? homeopathy o allopathy?
Pl z Forward the name and adress with contact nos and email
Kindly let us know the contact details and other things to get in touch with him.
It will be in the fitness of things if the name of the medicine and the doctor alongwith his contact no. & email is made public so that needy persons may be benefitted. M.P.Saxena
dear send the contact details of the doctor plz
I agree. There is no cure for diabetes and diabetes is irreversible. It can only be managed.
Mostly there are quacks to give guarantee for treating the ailments.
Diabetes can not be cured, it can be contolled.
mukundan............it would be helpful if u could provide complete address with phone number, hope u will reply for this.................
This medicine seems to be fraud unless discloses the ingredients , these fake doctors generally mix the insuline tablets powder .
Amrita mehaari or mehaari and some local variations in the herbal composition are claimed to cure diabetes. Madhu meham is the Sanskrit name for diabetes. What is not known is the provenance of the herbs, method of preparing them properly for curative purposes, and lack of research and certification by an agency like FDA in the case of herbal drugs.
Gymnema sylvestra is available even more cheaper than 90 rupees if purchased from local market ,
You will find hundred of such quakes for guaranteed treatment of diabetes but majority of people had put them self in trouble because of them if you are obtaining the such type of medication then also don't stop your regular and prescribe treatment.
Diabetes can be controlled and not cured
use metaphor mine and walk..walk...and walk
i think what mcaggarwal said is right
I would like to share with all concerned here that doing BHASTRIKA pranayaam daily for half an hour, can control your blood sugar, but do it only under expert supervision otherwise it can have adverse effect on your heart.
i came to know through my friend that there is a doctor in kerala by name ajayalesh who gives medicine wdout side effect for our diabetes.
Don't believe the hearsays,toutings, verbal proofs, untested results.etc. It is shear nonsence.
The so called medicines chemical analysis shows that these are the same medicines used by allopathic docters mixed with some neutral substances and lebelled as theirs,And i ask what is wrong in taking medicenes prescribed by MB BS/specialized doctor
Its definetly wrong because if u take allopathy medicine it will temperorily save u from sugar but ur kidney will be totally affected beyond recovery after fifteen years.
I have cured many diabetics fallen with stroke after crossing 350 level with
May be they have are not diabetes in the first place.
1.Human body tolerates high blood sugar levels some what upto 5 years with out treatment.
2.If untreated for 5 years the things deterioratione and make complications such as uncontrolled BP, and effect various systems depending on individuals.
3.your controlling strokes is nothing to do with sugar control.
4.Ayur veda has got exellent ways to treat Stokes. Not control the sugar levels
KINDLY FORWARD THE ADDRESS TO mathewjr@hotmail.com
What ever people say,Diabetic is a controllable disorder with diet control.excersize and medication under the guidance of a Doctor.In case of women it may not be possible for exercise regularly.
I had an opportunity to hear an interview in Jeevan TV by Dr. Sebastian regarding diabet. He is treating the patients in Kerala by ayurveda medicine. His contact No. is 09747004401.
He may be treating , then what happened to those people. Are still alive after say 15 years. The trick is they prescribe heavy diet restrictions which takes care of blood sugar levels, not the medicine. Even these so called medicines are mixed with allopatic medicines.
There is no cure for diabeties only control by doctor prescribed medicines and exercise and medical advise.
Believe patients who have survived say 30/20 years with diabetis. Follow their advise.
U appear to know every thing about FDA. Remember the penalties it imposed and strict testing regime imposed by it. Don't buy some wrong idea because u read some where.
have have any idea of thalamide babies ?
How long did you take these medicine and whether it keeps sugar under control or it has cured diabeties. I have read in the news papers an advertisement and sometimes you get SMS also. but sometimes these advertisements are misleading and false also.
By simple excersice Dr. PRASAD WAYANAD KERALA has been curing diabetcs along with sugar sweet products consuming.I has been suffering diabetics for 21 years,but now administer GLUCORED FORTE tablets daily after food two times.Most of the days consume little sugar products.I wish to take advice from Dr Prasad .
total confusion
Where we find authentic aurvedic medicine
There are reputed Ayurvedic institutions across the country which can give us good treatment for all ailments including Diabetics. I understand sugar levels can be controlled for 8-10 years by using the right Ayurvedic medicines by consulting Physicians from these institutions plus regular exercise and controlled diet. Even if sugar levels are not controllable after sometime, it is said patients may face less risk to diabetic complications. Pls. check-out the following urls to get some guidance, there could be many more such institutions:
Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala - aryavaidyasala.com
Kerala Ayurveda - keralaayurveda.biz/
Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore - avpayurveda.com/
Organic India - organicindia.co.in/
Advice is to consult qualified Ayurvedic doctors rather than falling prey to quacks (who are too many in the country). Definitely no system including Ayurveda can do miracles.
Very sad to see how people can be misled and then get into complications of diabetes. Do not promote wrong information like this
These are fraud.someday some will ssy I hsve found cure of AIDS.nonsense