What is type 2 Diabetes Melliatus ? - Diabetes India

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What is type 2 Diabetes Melliatus ?

patliputra profile image
34 Replies

I would welcome members perception about the disease.Basics will do but a bit detail will be most appreciated.

Thank you.

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patliputra profile image
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34 Replies
patliputra profile image

Thanks, but question still stands.

shrisamarth profile image

You will get all the answers here. phlaunt.com/diabetes/index.php

patliputra profile image

I was eager to know individual members perception of the disease.If you don't have any inkling to what is DM2 ,no problem,go to the site you mention and try to understand it.Best of luck.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to patliputra

I have already read it And being diabetic I perfectly know what is diabetes. Best if you can explain so I may get any new information

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

Then why there is hesitation in explaining it for unknowing?

patliputra profile image

I am surprised,how an idea can distort a rationale thinking .

patliputra profile image

I repeat, I am eager to know how each one of us perceive DM 2 .I am sure you will be surprised to know how different people understand or don't understand what diabetes is.So no need to insist on web sites,it individual with whome I am concerned.BTW enert objects can not be compared with living things.

ranj profile image
ranj in reply to patliputra

I think most of the T2DM sufferers are aware about the same in this internet age. Their perception about DM2 is also quite good as far as they understand the language. However, they are not able to decide which is the right approach for treatment of T2DM. Whether one should control it through different diet regime like LCHF, etc.. or through right medication (allopathic, homeopathic, ayurvedic . . ) or life style changes like morning walk, yoga, meditation, etc

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to ranj

Once a diabetic clearly understands what is DM, how it is caused,role of carb, fat and insulin,he will be in a much better position to manage his DM and improve upon the quality of life.thanks for your reply.

ranj profile image
ranj in reply to patliputra

You are right but all the patients neither have resource nor time to go in depth of T2DM and adopt the right path. Either they ignore the DM or take precautions as per knoweldge and belief about DM or get treatment as advised by doctor.

in reply to patliputra

I think I have a point to make here.I have a four level approach to diabetes management

1.I watch all the food items I consume for the glycemic load that they put on my system.So,I cut down rice to the bare minimum,totally avoid sweets and liberal with boiled,mixed sprouts.Since long wheat has proven to be highly beneficial,I have it for breakfast.

2.Regular exercise.Walk for 40 minutes @ 100 steps per minute.I miss occasionally when I am too tired due to some other activity.

3.Keep off most of social activities that are likely to cause mental stress like being member of local RWA. No partying or much socialization either.At 72 ,I have no problems with this life style.

4.Lastly.I go for quarterly check ups and take all the prescribed medications scrupulously.

Finally.one has to accept diabetes for what it is and through trial and error,innovation and regular monitoring find out what is the best course for himself to manage his diabetes.I also believe that as far as diabetes is concerned,what is good for the goose may not be good for the gander.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to ranj

As you say people might be aware about DM ,but question is they understand it correctly.In our formative years several of us used to study together.Then on any day we will select certain topic and ask each other what he understood about the topic.Everybody said he remembers the topic well.So one by one we start explaining what we understood.As it turned out in the the end that a few did grasped correctly,a few did not,and a few misunderstood completely..

It was the reason I wanted to know what each one of us has understood about DM

Here we are talking not about imposing,it is all about knowing, understanding and accepting for our own benefit.

patliputra profile image

In this forum most of times main topic gets diverted.I always maintain that straight querries should get straight replies.

shrisamarth profile image

Diabetes ( type 2) is not like most people assume that it is decease of sugar. It is a symptom of metabolic disorder which is caused by insulin and leptin resistance. It is also failure of the communication between the hormones mainly insulin. leptin and glucagon. But over and above there must be a genetic fault which may not be necessarily hereditary. Pollution is one of the main cause for faulty genes. Stress , dietary habits, sedentary life style aggravate the problem and person becomes diabetic. If someone wants to control the main cause means normalizing insulin and leptin levels or increasing their sensitivity then the first step is to control diet. Exercise is also important and drugs only if one can't control his BS levels by diet and exercise.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

Thanks for making thing clear.It is the type of intelligent reply I was waiting for.Again thanks a lot.

in reply to shrisamarth

Agreed this is most appropriate answer of your question,i am pleading that if some one has been diagnosis with this disease,proper way to control through diet,exercise(brisk walking mandatory since this disease effect lower limbs first) & drugs if not controlled by above two measures. low carbs diet is acceptable,but high fat diet gives another problems also, i do not agree for high fat.MY MAIN OBJECTION IS THE WORD HIGH FAT.ONE CAN CONTROL IT WITH MINIMUM CARBS AND FATS ONLY.

shrisamarth profile image

I think it is more than sufficient. My intention for mentioning site was only to inform people who know everything wrong about diabetes which is mostly from conventional medicine. And everything on the site is written by Jenny Ruhl who is also diabetic like one of us here. It was not specifically for you.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

I am sorry for my remarks,Your intention was never in doubt.Actually I have seen in this forum main issues get diverted and irrational issues creep up.thanx for coming back to me. Again my apologies.

patliputra profile image


shrisamarth profile image

That was the main idea behind just showing link. Basically it is developed without any commercial interest. She really wants to inform people. "What they don't tell you" is real experience for every diabetic worldwide.

patliputra profile image

Yes nothing wrong to post a link.But please know that many members either do not have a computer or are computer literate with little access to internet,many even do not how to surf web.For those if an educative programme about different aspects of DM is provided at a single place,would it not be beneficial for all.A detailed description may also serve as a reference point.wont you agree?

patliputra profile image

Many go to cyber cafe with some one to help or cafe man helps.They put questions in hindi which is translated and sent. Help is mostly son or relative.

Will it not be interesting to get a survey on how they get to internet?

patliputra profile image

If 90% people's conception is base /onwikipedia/mayo/Ada,is it not a golden opportunity to re educate them with new concepts researches ideas base on our own experiences.

Jenny Ruhl is great but why do we underestimate ourselves.All their researches are base on certain genotype while we are of different type,so actual course of disease including mechanism of action of insulin may be different.Please note that I am also using word May,because medical science is not an exact science,like engineering.

shrisamarth profile image

No . It is 1/100 or could be more than that .They are so much faithful to their doctors that they are not interested in visiting such sites. When I try to explain someone that how carbs are bad for diabetics or whatever about diabetes, CVD or cholesterol they just ignore it and continue with their regimen.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

That is precisely why it is important to creat awareness that why it is essential to know first hand about diabetes.you have to provide inputs so that each one is able to make informed decision.

Please make this site attractive ,informative by providing precise, concise,accurate information in simple language.Make people pause and read what is what is written here.

If you want to say something please explain in long hand why this is beneficial,not simply follow this or that.

shrisamarth profile image

New business opportunities.

100% cure. At least it will give true results.

patliputra profile image

Time tests every new idea and for its labour extracts a price.So either be a quitter or fighter without caring for price to paid.

BTW I have drawn a mental profile of you, which someday will put on paper for you to see and others to share.


Please see http//merckmanuals.com/profession... metabolic disorders wbsite

ranga profile image

I fully agree with you.


ranga profile image

I am part of 1/10. I am 74 yrs and active in life.

I follow LCHF but due to restrictions I need to give way for some time.

No sugar in food. two chapattis in the night with desi ghee and glass of milk. Last 10 yrs I have not visited doct, for any ailment except for sugar consultant. K.rangaswamy

He wanted to know detailed analysis of Diabetes Mellitus for which i referred website http//WWW.merckmanuals.com/professional/endocrine_and metaboweb site ,to him. He has not asked any one why this disorder has becomes ramapat .. He wanted to know the remedies after individual becomes diabetic,not asked why he had become diabetic.You are in habit of intermingling the subjects,and enforces your own unwarranted opinion on others Mr..med free

patliputra profile image

Can you explain in a bit detail.

SINGHKQK profile image

yes i like the idea

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