.As per doctor advised, I was taking 01 (one) medicine of GLMIPEN -2 and 02 (two) medicine of MEDFORMIN-500 daily and suger level was 91 (Fasting) and 130 (P.P.).from Sep 12 to oct 13. But during Nov 13 i reduced power of GLIMPSE-1 and only 01 tablet of METFORMIN 500 resulting my sugar level is up as 115 (Fasting) and 151 (P.P).( repot on 07 Dec 13 ). Please convey your valuable opinion.
I would like to know whether diabetes is cu... - Diabetes India
I would like to know whether diabetes is curable completely. At present I am the patient of DM Type II at the age of 54 yrs.

Problem for diabetics is the presence of high sugar levels in the blood which is very harmful in so many ways.But you can effectively bring down the sugar levels to acceptable levels through diet control,regular exercise,stress free life style and medication.As long as you are careful and approach the problem in a comprehensive manner,the sugar levels will be under control and you can avoid the adverse consequences of diabetes even in the long run.But if one becomes careless,sugar levels are bound to raise again.So it is a more question of managing the sugar levels rather than curing diabetes.
It is not curable with chemical medicines. Such medicines put more pressure on remaining beta cells to produce more and more insulin, which in turn proves to be devastating in a long run and often seen as side effects.
Based on my past experiences, I am able to say that only Ayurvedic and some Homeopathic medicines have got the real solution. In addition to regular physical exercise and balanced diet, such nature friendly remedies are capable of not only to control blood sugar level but to reproduce beta cells and cure the diabetes permanently. The removal of fat from the pancreas and reproduction of beta cells is a slow process and takes longer time. The best advantage of such medicines is that it can be taken parallel to chemical medicines without any side effects.
R u now cured of diabetes rajman ?
Can't say completely cured... but Yes to some extent.
Some 14 years ago, I was able to remove the insulin pump of my mother with the help of ayurvedic medicines and that was continued for six years or so without taking any sort of synthetic medicines. I too diagnosed diabetes last month and using the combination of both homeopathic as well as ayurvedic herbs, I have reduced my BSL (after meal) from 317 (Hba1c 7.8) to to 184 within 20 days time. I hope to be within normal range in the next three months time.
Dear Rajman, i am 100% agree with you. allopathic medicine do not have permanent remedy for diabetes perhaps these drug companies do not want to discover effective curable remedy for diabetes. i have success fully tried ayurvedic medicine to control my sugar level and over the time i have reduced quantity of allopathic medicine.
This is the best way that you have opted to discard the allopathic medicines in order to safeguard yourself from the evil effects of such synthetic medicines in a long run.
To benefit of others, please share the names of ayurvedic medicines and other measures that helped you to reduce the quantity of allopathic medicine over the time.
I have not seen saying any one that it's curable, but can be managed ? Please let inform a bit more detail what you claim.
you mean surgery?
I fully agree with you in this regard.
Cutting down carbohydrates definitely helps in cure because an unburdened pancreas has an ability to heal itself. It is carbohydrate which breaks down into simple sugar and get mixed with blood.
If one could dare to go on simply raw food for 45 days or so, he could become diabetes free. In my opinion, it is possibly the best way to get rid of diabetes.
we can talk about a product which is 100 % ayurvedic and has proven to be a good solution....have tested it on my mother, she was diabetic for last 13 years now her sugar level remains normal, here physical fitness is high, she has a good improvement in her daily activity...pls feel free to call..9689109686
Components in Colostrum Balance Blood Sugar Levels
and Reduce Insulin Requirements
by Thomas E. Stone ND, CNHP
Diabetes is generally divided into two categories. Type I diabetes requires often does not require insulin, although it can develop to the point where insulin is required. Type I diabetes is often referred to as juvenile onset diabetes and can progress rapidly. Frequently, it develops as an
autoimmune disease, where antibodies attack the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. One early treatment for this form of diabetes is the use of immuno suppressive drugs which may cause other complications. As a viable
alternative, colostrum contains a substance known as PRP, which has been shown to balance the overactive immune response associated with autoimmune diseases. Rather than suppressing the immune system with drugs, colostrum can balance overactive immune responses to reduce the attack on pancreatic cells. Diabetes requires careful dietary and exercise programs. Even though Type II is a milder form, it is not without
secondary complications which include heart disease, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, vision problems and circulatory problems. Those with diabetes, regardless of the type, are 5 times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those without diabetes. Often diabetes is diagnosed for the first time following a heart attack. Colostrum is known for its ability to regrow heart tissue and supporting blood vessels, and for its ability to reduce the bacteria associated with arterial plaque. Colostrum has also been shown to balance blood sugar levels. This is due, at least in part, to a growth factor known as IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). A 1990 publication in “Diabetes,” suggested that colostrum supplementation
would be a very beneficial treatment for diabetes, based on the fact that IGF-1, can stimulate glucose utilization. Researchers found that IGF-1 levels were lower in diabetic patients than in healthy individuals. After administering IGF-1 to patients, doctors noticed a two-fold increase in glucose transport to the muscles, potentially treating hyperglycemia and the dependance on insulin. As a naturopathic physician, I was using colostrum 20 years ago. Back then, I could get it from organic farmers in
the Midwest - and I used it as a liquid. However, when I moved my practice, I was no longer able to obtain it from the local farmers and so I investigated numerous forms of dried colostrum on the market. None of them even came
close to the track record I had established with true colostrum, so I eliminated it from my practice for a number of years. Finally, several years ago, I discovered the Immune-Tree brand. Just tasting and feeling it, I knew I had found the real thing. And sure enough, when I gave this to my patients, they experienced the benefits I knew they could. So, once again, colostrum is an integral part of my practice. For diabetic patients, colostrum is unbeatable. Within months, every one of my patients have either greatly reduced their levels of insulin or they have eliminated it altogether. That’s quite a track record, but it’s true. Of course, they are also drinking plenty of good water, exercising and eating an enhanced diet of “live, whole foods,” but it is the colostrum which makes the program work. In my experience, given enough time, colostrum can completely eliminate the need for insulin. It balances the pancreas just like it does the thymus so that blood sugar levels are able to normalize. I have also used colostrum with a product called “Hydroxygen Plus” for the resolution of diabetic ulcers on legs and feet. As a poultice, it heals ulcers which have been untreatable by conventional methods. Most ulcers of this nature will heal within a matter of weeks. For the diabetic, colostrum is a Godsend - literally! Please note, that especially with insulin-dependant patients, it is very important to consult a health care practitioner before taking colostrum and/or making changes in medication.
for further clarification
Compliments for such a wonderful article and guidance.,following which any diabetic can be cured and be healthy.