I want to think to marriage with a man who is diabetci one.he is about 24 .. Which dangers should i consider?
Guys!I want to talk with a person who has d... - Diabetes India
Guys!I want to talk with a person who has diabetic1

Hi,I can not call you. May I chat with you on here or by private message for HU?
Thank alot...,but one point is my parents..they are worry about it!I don't know what should I tell them to be calm...
Thanks alot
how can u help?
Few questions: 1. When did u come to know of his Dia1 . 2. Are you in real love with the guy? if yes since when after u came to know or before? 3. Is he a very rich guy. If yes, do you need the money badly. there is a benefit in every deal and there is a cost. Evaluate the cost and benefit coolly and decide yrself. Do not marry if you do not love. If you love, do not ask others.

1.i knew it after 2 times that we spoke for marriage ,2 . no . it is just a sugesstion from his family or him ,3.no now he is not very rich. but thanks to god im am rich and also he will be dentist .. . no, im not in love with him.. i am thinking about sugesstions of marriage from many others.. we have a culture in iran that some families sugessts to thier sons some girls.. and after the girl family permit them ,they come to girls house and talk to gether for more knowledg about together, sorry my english is not good .. i dont know whether i can get my meaning or not..
Thank Allah that He gave you riches. Respect Him. You are a woman. You will procreate and yr Babies must be strongest and smartest. You also study and marry one from a family like yrs and a boy who is a surgeon not a dentist. You can get better deal. Smarter the husband, better will be yr kids. A woman marries best boy to get his genes ( not his jeans). Give me yr recipe for Chickpeas, meat, potato and tomato. Also how to make good Koftas. Dont waste time- get yrself an athlete who is also a good chef.
If a diabetic person is a controlled diabetic and he is observing due precautions in diet as well as taking regular exercise he a like a normal person and no harm it marrying a diabetic.
I am kuber patole from maharastra & dibitiec from 2 years.type 1 & feeling happy with your statement that U wants to marry with dibitic patient.thank god any one found in the world. mahnzil my age is also 23 years.
glad to talk you... may i talk you more ? message me your yahoo id plz ... ,dont be disappointed.. there are alot of people in the world that try to find good men and real humans ...
If you are particular about getting married to him please go ahead.Please note that you will have to live with many problems associated with diabetes and may be in the long run your children also.As on date you are not diabetic, I suppose.It will be a different story if you are also diagnosed diabetic at a later date.Please go to a diabetes specialist and ask for his advice.He will explain still better.
U can marry but keep his sugar level under control .Otherwise u can face impotence problem
Yes you can marry there will be no problem if he controls the diabetes by taking suitable medicine and exercise in the morning & evening preferably walk for 20-30 minutes after food in addition to morning walk for half an hour and yoga for Half hour.
thanks alot
As regards your parents concerns, I can say that I am a diabetic of 63 years age. I was detected diabetes almost 26 years back and since then leading a normal life. I am married with 3 Children, all are well settled in life. I am leading a better healthy life than most of the non-diabetic persons. I am eating normally with moderate exercise (walking). There is nothing prohibited for me. I even take drinks occasionally in a limited quantity. My sexual mlife is normal. I hope this will be sufficient to convince your parents. Another thing, when I was first detected diabetese, my Doctor congratulated me and told that I will have better life than other normal persons as I would be leading a better regulated life than others.
yes. Do agree with Mr Rakesh. I am diabetic since 2004 and leading a normal life.