friends, today i have done fbs 99 and after eating upma at 10.00 in the morning and after 2 hrs my bool sugar reading is 154. what does it mean and 4 weesk back fbs is 119 and after eating tiffin it was 164 ..i am panic please help
my condition ..please help: friends, today i... - Diabetes India
my condition ..please help

low carbhigh fat mean in which foods it will be avaiable ... i am 32 with weight 104..please suggest one good food
As per American Diabetic Association, fasting sugar of 70-130 is NORMAL, post prandial of < 180 is NORMAL. No need to panic !
sagiphani disciplined (low carb) diet, exercise and reducing gaps between meals including 1-2 snack between dinner and breakfast will bring down the numbers. Avoid medicines including alternative. Herbs and flavorings in natural form are OK. My PP spiked to 220/250 till after eight weeks of HBA1C 11.6% (the percentage came down to 9.0% in first 4 weeks, last week was 7.9%) but only now PP is 185 . . . and I have taken no medicine..
sagiphani: Those ADA figures are in a context. At those levels not only probability of diabetic coma is zilch, even other things like severe organ or nerve damage is less than 2 percent. In the US, achieving these figures is not easy because diet and exercise guidance is sketchy.
I agree with medfree. Even in reputed testing labs the ref range is for FS-90-110 &PPBS-110-140.
& PPBS ?
You are only a border line case of being a diabetic, not a full blown diabetic. Do not anic, because, that will make your sugar level shoiotup. Any local doctor familiar with treating diabetics, should bring your levels down, by prescribing only pills. Go for walkks, or p0hysicall exercise or yoga.

As mentioned by medtree go and visit Jeny Ruhl's site. and