I have mantained healthy positive Vegetarion life style. Of late Fasting BSL was higher 170-190 & PP 180-230. I have created ayurved mix of powders of Methi, Karela, Jamun beej, Shilajit, Neem, Brahmi, Aavla, Haldi, Tulsi & Ashwagandha all 20gms each. I take a spoon full mixed in Honey morning and night. The Bsl have improved and I feel very good.. Please share if any one has tried this combination. I am taking my medicenes regularly.
I am 58, suffering Diabetes last 5 yrs & Hi... - Diabetes India
I am 58, suffering Diabetes last 5 yrs & High BP since last 36years. Drugs I am on Triglimisave LS forte2, Tazloc R, Betacard25. No symptoms

Thank you for the broadmindedness
Yeah, he is "broadminded".....for him "vegetarian" is healthy, "non-vegetarian" is presumably unhealthy
Of course nice to hear the gud news of ur improvement. But please let us too know how long u r having the ayurved med n wat is the latest level of sugars in u.
Thanx n gud luck......
I started this mix 40 days back. I had with water for 12 days but it was really difficult
then i came across an article that honey in limited quantity is good for Diabetic. So I started and it became easy. Now yesterday I checked my fasting BSL was 142 & PP 163.
are u based in Pune? Where did u get these herbs from? I am also from Pune so i asked.

Yes I am based in Pradhikaran Nigdi Pune. We get all these at Nigdi. Where do you stay? You can get everywhere..
I really cannot comment on the ayurvedic leaves powders as these are definitely very good for diabetic people.But honey I feel is not good for diabetic people.
reduce honey get ur hbac1 test done quarterly then comment
No problems... Digestion is very much normal
Pls do not get discouraged by some comments, u r doing very fine.

Thanks for your encouragement..
welcome. See Ayurvedic solution for BP. Allopathic medicines for BP can create havoc.
What is your bsl at present?
Keep talking all ayurveda this but the allopathic medicine please consult with your doctor.
dear sir iam not a Dr but i am sr patient my advise is don't take so many medics pl take advise from Dr and take insulin my age is also 57 and 30 years diabetic patient sir pl take good Dr advise
I hae tried with KALONJI OIL,1tps in empty stomach or with liquor tea & 1 tps b4 bed time wih liquor tea.Try for a month!!!My Fasting=76,PP=107.Just try this.
Dear dbb 1950, what was your BS Level before taking kalongi oil.
My Fasting Sugar was 140 mg/dl & PP was 168 mg/dl.Now my Fasting is 76 & PP is 104.HbA1c=6.00(23.11.2013).Diet Style=Heavy
B/F,then reduce qty in lunch,evening snacks,finally very little in dinner time.Kanolji Oil in early morning with liquor tea & b4 bedtime.2.5ml/dose.Thanks,Live Simple Laugh amap,reduce stress!!!
sir one more advise after some time side effectes are oucer no side effects with insulin
there are lot of side effects of insulin.......best is control of diet, walk and ayurvedic medicines
sir no problem iam taking insulan no side effects last 30years same time my sister and brather with out insulan those are sufferd with side effectes. no problem with insulan it is bad propakanda
Hi ! Good. Pl take your combination of Ayurvedic Herbal powders in empty Stomach early morning with warm water.AVOID HONEY. It is SUGAR. Go for walking every day half an hour in the morning & half an hour in the evening.Walking is good for Diabetes.
Please also consult a good diabetoligst and take allopathic medicines prescribed. Pl be regular in timing of your reakfast, Luncj=h & Dinner. Best Wishes
Kannan (Chennai)
Hi ! Good. Pl take your combination of Ayurvedic Herbal powders in empty Stomach early morning with warm water.AVOID HONEY. It is SUGAR. Go for walking every day half an hour in the morning & half an hour in the evening.Walking is good for Diabetes.
Please also consult a good diabetoligst and take allopathic medicines prescribed. Pl be regular in timing of your reakfast, Luncj=h & Dinner. Best Wishes
Kannan (Chennai)
ingredients and their percentages pls.

List is in my question... Take all ion equal proportion ie 10 or 20gms each & mix it well.
But many say that karela juice and methi powder do increase BP. Is it true ? I have definitely experienced with the methi powder. My BP shoots up.
Your fasting sugar level is very high and it should be a matter of concern to you. Being vegetarian is not important. You must monitor your body weight and daily calories that you consume.
alongwith your medicines. What is your so called improved fasting and PP BSLs. You must get your self examined by a competent endocrinologist. Don't be complacent.
Pls give ingredient list and percentages.
are you taking kitchen ayurveda medicine along with allopathy medicines ? Pl let me know
My wife has remarkable improvement in her diabetes status by Yoga. It is very simple. The doctor has reduced Tablet Istamet morning dose. BP is also normal. Our diabetese doctor too recommended continuation of Yoga. Pl try yoga under the guidance of an expert gur. Don't do it without guidance.
Is the claim you make here, printed on your label? Stevia is a sweetener and not a cure for diabetes. Processed Stevia tastes awful and ruins the fine tea/coffee. It is a failed product in India. Hence people trying to market it through false claims.
But why are you negative in mind and thoughts. You seems to be totally confused by negativity. If you break your bone, you will have pain. Aspirin can give relief in pain which is the side effect but not cure. If you are so sure send a free sample and if BS falls i will buy again.
But I am not sick. I am here only to tease cheaters and those who try to fool people by selling them things they do not need. Mark Antony stole Caesar's wife not money. Are you a fake?
What did you have for lunch today. Whom did you cheat to buy the lunch? I like to eat only from honest money. To tell you a secret I have 5 plants of stevia. Fresh leaves of select variety are delicious. They make the taste of the tea/dessert very fine. Commercial processing ruins the taste. I have tested my BSL before and after taking even 20 leaves in hot water. There is no difference. I use them and take very great care of my plants for taste of fresh leaves, not as a cure. No one should get cheated of health or wealth. This web site has been hijacked by fly by night operators.
Yes today i am sick, I have slight head ache. Will Stevia cure it? You have not mentioned your web site and the portal. You have also not cited any publication of research. Please advise soon so i can use my stevia leaves to cure the head ache..
Does your Stevia help increase sexual powers. You will definitely increase yr customer base from 1000 to 1 million within weeks if you so claim. There are many TV programs on Jesus. Why they do not show on TV. Do you know selling spurious drugs in name of Jesus is fraud. Is it printed on your label that your product cures Diabetes and increase virility and guarantee printed on the label. Scan your label and attach it please.
Yes i hate the fakes madly. Those who try to exploit the sickness of people by selling them goods under false claims, I hit them badly. You have not even displayed your photo on the profile. How should i report you to the FDA. Anyway i gor your address and Brand name and your posts, I will send them all to the FDA, Bandra and they will see you soon. Take care.
Is it approved as a Diabetes cure as you claim on the web site. What is written on the label? Do you have a website of your won where the product image is clearly visible with Packing. Glucose Biscuit are approved by FDA. Can anyone claim them to be a cure of sickness? Don't try to bluff, send your web site immediately without any excuses.
many many thanks
Sugar is WHITE POISON, no doubt.
I am taking this medicene for last 15 days and I am happy to say that my fasting BSL which was always higher than 155 is now between 110-120. PP is ranging between 160-190.. Overall it keeps me energetic. I would recommend that anyone can give a try as it is an Ayurvedic preparation.