His fasting and non fasting sugars have never been under 275. He is currentlt taking 70 units of lantus, bp meds, water pill and high cholesterol meds. What is his life expectancy.
My boyfriend who is 34, 375 pounds was diag... - Diabetes India
My boyfriend who is 34, 375 pounds was diagnosised with diabetes ketacidios, heart disease, high bld pressure, and hyperlipidemia in 2010

Unfortunately,other than a well qualified and experienced doctor,no one on this forum can really answer your question,in my opinion.Sorry,we can only offer our best wishes.
He is morbidly obese. Why don't you consider Bariatric surgery which gives good result for a patient like your boy friend and improves the life expectancy very much.
Lemon juice of 1/2 spoon with a drop of honey will reduce weight, when taken in the morning on empty stomach.
Walking 1 or 2 miles daily helps reduce weight.
He will live for 100 Years,provided he keeps all abnormalities under control,
Please never ask such questions. Have faith in yourself and go to a very good Endocrinologist and follow his advise. Medical Science can take care of anything today. Go for the right Doctor and have faith in him. People keep on suggesting many solutions out of their concern and experience but, they are not experts and you can't do everything. This is not a problem which can not be taken care off.
All the best and enjoy your life with your boyfriend for many more years.
With proper diet & life style your boy friend will live for 120 years, which is the maximum life expectancy of a human being according to Modern Science, Astrology as well as Holy Bible. His obesity triggered Diabetes & diab is causing many other problems. Get rid of diab & then most others will fall in line. LEARN TO TEACH BODY & MIND, GOOD PRACTICES. IF YOU OR HE DOES NOT KNOW, I CAN PROBABLY HELP THROUGH THIS FORUM.
Please see my diabetes related experience by following this link & the links there healthunlocked.com/diabetes... MY POST 1: Diabetes cured.
Dear George,
Last two days I am following LWMDR as per your msg and contuining medication as per my doctor.However I have some doubts reg food items to be taken while following LWMDR as mentioned below.
1.Kindly advise some vegitable NAMES to be taken.
2.Is it OK to take RICE during Lunch time,If it is OK,Kindly advise quantity.
I have stopped taking fruits and sweets long ago,BS levels are FBS 110 and PPBS 156 and doing exercise(walking) regularly for 45mins.
Your advice on above will be very much appreciated.
Dear uppala, Continuing existing medication is a part of LWMDR.
Sorry that I am not much familiar with English names of vegetables; so the following:
1. Avoid STARCHY, SWEET & ROOT vegetables; rest all you may take.
2. Lunch can be RICE & curries; quantity required to quench your hunger. With this quantity if your blood sugar increase or do not decrease, then we will reconsider the quantity of rice.
Ask more, in case of doubt.
Dear George -I think You can send me the add in Hyderabad dealing with Long whaeat I failed to get
In fact there is personal request dont send in forum since the people in forum have objection though all want the information but keep the different personality
Veerendras@in.com > please reply to me direct <requesting You again >since i dont have yr contact number > so writing it here
Thanks and regards
Walking walking brisk walking will reduce his weight and sugar levels. An hour of brisk walking in the mornings is very good;and if he has time then he can walk for 40 mins mor so in the evenings too. Diet:Let him eat sprouted moong every day, nimbu paani,multi grain bread with leafy green vegetables and then see the difference in 30 days.
I have been using a miracle herb for last 10 years for my diabetes, cholesterol issue with utmost satisfaction. More importantly I have helped one of my college mates to gain control of his uncontrollable fasting sugar of 200+ with addition of this herb while sticking to his doctor prescribed medicines meticulously. It also helps in blood pressure control. It is however a co-active therapy i.e. works with another therapy be it Allopathy or any other.
Although the result may show up in a month or two, it is necessary to commit one self for continued use for 6 to 12 months in order to get sustainable results. Costs are not high.
Many things are not under control.... He shd make a serious try to bring those parameters under control. He should fight to get back to normal rather than give up. Sugar ,must be brought within limits as otherwise, he will get into serious complications. Good Luck!
It is called 'Lal Alambi' in Maharashtra State of India. There are about 350 to 400 firms around the world cultivating this herb but I use the herb from one firm with accreditation of all kinds including TGA, Australia and whose world hub is at Pondicheri and is available to registered members. Membership is free of cost but only for legal residents of India in India and similarly else where in 105 countries
Do you want to know his life expectancy, or do you want him to get rid of the problem?
If you need a suggestion, please go through the information about a program called Health pointe which may be a one point solution to your boy friend. If he can get on to it with your effort better,ask him to go through the program and see the difference.If only you want, I can help you.
Hello, i have gone through the details. For Type II diabetic how much carbo hydrates i can take for each meal and how much carbo hydrates i have to consume per day to control BS and is there any way to find out the qty to be consumed for such of those items in the list.. For eg morning X qty of carbo hydrates to be consumed. for that as pe rlist which items and qty to be arrived. Pl explain. Thank you.
All I can suggest is to take immediate consultation of a qualified physician producing all the current medical reports, Let him take allopathic drugs to control his medical condition. Perhaps, he will be put on insulin therapy twice a day for quite sometime. After about a month when readings are normal or close to normal (border line), he can practise Kanishta Pranayama (yoga exercise) and sudarsana Kriya (breathing exercise) developed by Sri Sri Ravishankar. I can guarantee at 34, this will help him to lead a wonderful life ahead, By Sasidharan.K.K
How long has he been suffering from this Hyperglycemia? What is his HbA1C? He is most likely a C/O T1 DM, and should be put on more intensive Basal-Bolus Insulinization with increase in the dose of Lantus + addition of pre-meal rapid-acting Analogue Insulin e.g. Apidra(glulisine). Strict LSM is mandatory with control of body weight. SMBG on regular basis and assessment of cardiac+renal status.
Pl. send me your email address and i shall provide you all the details. And help you achieve results which I could with the help of my sponsor.
Dear catalist I am also interesting in this miracle herb pl.give details.
Hey, If you live in India may be Dr Kular in Bija India can help. Check on youtube about his patient testimonials. I don't have any first hand experience but your boy friend needs help in losing weight and with Gastric Bypass, may be he can achieve it if otherwise he couldn't. I don't know this doctor personally but if you check youtube all his clients are satisfied. If not the same doctor, depending where you are may be your boyfriend can find other doctor who does the procedure. With this method he can lose weight and manage diabetes.
He must reduce his weight. ii Thyroid tests - eqally important. take medicines if & accordingly.
Please do not worry for life expectancy. HE SHOULD BE HALE AND HEARTY. The Doctors can take care of the same.
It is called 'Lal Alambi' in Maharashtra State of India. There are about 350 to 400 firms around the world cultivating this herb but I use the herb from one firm with accreditation of all kinds including TGA, Australia and whose world hub is at Pondicheri and is available to registered members. Membership is free of cost but only for legal residents of India in India and similarly else where in 105 countries. Pl. provide your email to communicate the further details
brisk walking or any suitable exercise,diet control, and medicine will definitely work.
keep faith in god and keep faith in your friendship.every thing will be under control.
pl. meet endocrynologist for urgent diabetic control regime.do not delay.
apart frrom medication,start meditation also for your self and encourage him also for regular meditation.
"more things are wrought by prayers than are usually thought of."
all the best from all your brothers and sisters in this forum for god blessings and fast recovery of your friend.