Is there an option to subscribe to a partic... - Diabetes India

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Is there an option to subscribe to a particular thread without posting in it?

11 Replies
11 Replies

If possible, request admin / moderators to delete the 2 responses other than that of "Concerned", as they are totally irrelevant to the question asked.

Also request admin / moderators to respond to the question. Let me know, if my question is not clear or I should have posted the question somewhere else..

in reply to

Your question is clear, thanks for asking.

With over 200 communities like this one, it can be tough for us to battle the spammers on a 24/7 basis, so your help in clicking the 'report' button next to spam/inappropriate content is very appreciated.

To answer your question about following a certain thread without posting on it, at the moment we don't have this feature but it's a great idea. Thank you for the suggestion! We welcome your feedback.

in reply to

Thanks for the reply, LoraHU.

The delay in the response, prompted me to ask whether my query was not clear enough.

Now, I realize, what with handling 200 communities & all those spammers, it is bound to happen.

Once again Thanks.

Another small question, which I have noticed earlier.

Say, I have posted a reply, in a particular thread, posted by someone else. What I have observed is, I receive mail alerts only if some one replies specifically to my post in that thread.

I do not receive alerts, whenever others post in that thread, replying to others, in that thread.

Is it possible, to get alerts for all the messages that are posted in the thread, since that thread happens to be of interest to me in totality ?

Hope, my long-winded query, doesn't leave you confused. :-)


Peace7 profile image
Peace7 in reply to

It looks like dear member you asked the question only to confuse, after reading it at least I am.

in reply to Peace7

Do not know if you are admin or moderator.

All the same, will try to make it explain it better.


you start a thread,

say "Does Stress affect Diabetes ?"

I post a reply to your post, by clicking on the "Reply to this" Button in your post.

Later, a third person, replies to your Post, by clicking on the "Reply to this" Button in your post.

I do not get any mail alert, for what the third person has posted.

Later, if a fourth person, posts a reply, to my post, by clicking on the "Reply to this" Button in my post, I get an email alert for this.

I would prefer, to get email alerts for all posts or replies that are done in your thread, irrespective of, whether, the person has posted in response to me or to any one else.

Hope, I have managed to explain things better.


Peace7 profile image
Peace7 in reply to

But the best thing to do is to go to your posts every time you log into Health Unlocked, to see if any more have responded. Neither am I a moderator nor an admin. I am a diabetic and joined the forum to get the expertise of already experienced members.

in reply to Peace7

A thread is like a discussion started by a person - The STARTER, in which a few people are taking part by putting forward their views - the CONTRIBUTORS and also others, who are not taking part in the discussion, in terms of contributing, but are listening keenly to the discussion - the LISTENERS, who at some time, in the discussion, may perhaps even, turn in to CONTRIBUTORS.

It is an INTERACTIVE discussion.

It is some what similar to a physical meeting of people, except for the scenario, that people can't be online 24x7 in the discussion. That is the reason, for asking for alerts & for alerts existing, to alert the STARTER, the CONTRIBUTORS & the LISTENERS, that, a contribution, has been made to the thread, .

Just imagine yourself as a part of a physical meeting started by some one & you make a suggestion. After that, some one puts ear-plugs in your ears & you are shut out from the meeting. Your ear-plugs are removed, only when some-one responds to your suggestion and subsequently, where after, a couple of hours, you are given the transcript of the discussion that has taken place, between other members, on a subject matter, that was of interest to you.

Any ways, it is my personal opinion, that it would be useful value addition to the features.


Peace7 profile image
Peace7 in reply to

You are now clear with your question or am I slow to have understood. Thanks for your detailed explanation. I believe you can be a good teacher.


in reply to Peace7

[QUOTE]You are now clear with your question or am I slow to have understood.[/QUOTE]

Not important. Glad I was able to convey properly, what I intended to tell. :-)

It is only lately, that I had begun realizing, that it is not necessary, that people understand what I am saying. Hence, I try to go that extra mile, to which, I have even had responses like "Come on, you are not explaining to a kindergarten child" :-(, but I still persist with my extra mile :-;.

[QUOTE]I believe you can be a good teacher.[/QUOTE]

Glad you think so, my kids don't think so. :-D

Thanks :-)

ShooterGeorge profile image
ShooterGeorge in reply to

Hi Recyan,

You have asked a very useful/relevant question & it is crystal clear; no ambiguity at least for me. Thank you for asking it. I would also like to have the feature, you suggested, incorporated.

in reply to ShooterGeorge

Thanks ShooterGeorge.

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