I am suffering with pheripheral neuropathy from 4/2012. I took treatment from CMC Hospital Vellore South India. Now Al,most cured. 10 to 15% is to be cured. Let me know the precautions in the matter. Further let me know tips to improve Blood platelet counts
I am suffering with pheripheral neuropathy.... - Diabetes India
I am suffering with pheripheral neuropathy. Let me know solutions

If you have been treated at CMC,Vellore,you must have received the best and latest medical advise available in India,if not the world.Please share your experience for the benefit of fellow diabetics.
you can take following products along with your medicines, No side effects, Aloe Gel (1 Ltr.)
Tab. Gin Chia (100)
Tab. Fields of Greens (80)
Cap. Garlic Thyme (100)
contact me at 9375138905
you can take following products along with your medicines, No side effects, Aloe Gel (1 Ltr.)
Tab. Gin Chia (100)
Tab. Fields of Greens (80)
Cap. Garlic Thyme (100)
contact me at 9375138905
you can take following products along with your medicines, No side effects, Aloe Gel (1 Ltr.)
Tab. Gin Chia (100)
Tab. Fields of Greens (80)
Cap. Garlic Thyme (100)
contact me at 9375138905
sir, send me your address at harikrashnapatel@gmail.com
first you should tell-details of treatment.since 85%cure is there continue the same positively. suggestions after your replyafter your reply