Splenda® Sucra-Highs and Sucralose: Miracle... - Diabetes India

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Splenda® Sucra-Highs and Sucralose: Miracle Sweetener or Cause of Leukemia?

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While millions around the world consume foods and beverages sweetened with Splenda (sucralose) with abandon, an accumulating body of research indicates that this synthetic chemical is far from safe, may contribute to obesity and blood sugar disorders, and more recently has even been linked to leukemia in animal experiments.

For several years now, Greenmedinfo (GMI) has consolidated scientific study abstracts from the National Library of Medicine about Splenda (sucralose) and its potential health related effects. The study refers to its xenobiotic nature, i.e. its metabolically foreign chemical properties, and provides evidence that when the sensation of sweetness is disassociated from 'food,' i.e. a source of calories or nutrition, it is either unrecognizable by the body, or disrupts the body neuroendocrine system in an adverse manner.

The results delineated in the study point to just a single dose of sucralose resulting in increases in blood sugar concentration, increases in insulin levels and decreases in insulin sensitivity, all of which are possible pre-cursors to diabetes.

The study came to the attention of a Johnson & Johnson spokesperson, who submitted a rebuttal letter to GMI.

Despite the J&J spokesperson's criticism of the verifiability of the study referenced in the GMI article, as well as the glaring fact that several of the studies she refers to that found there were no adverse effects of Splenda were funded by the manufacturer of the chemical, the declaration with which she closes her rebuttal is egregiously lacking in scientific evidence itself. "Experts from around the world have found that SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener is suitable for everyone, including those with diabetes. Up to 4 packets of SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener or up to 8 teaspoons of SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener, Granulated, are considered a "free food" in a meal plan for people with diabetes. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Diabetes Association consider a free food for people with diabetes to be any food or beverage that contains less than 20 calories and 5 grams or less of carbohydrate per serving. In fact, SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener can play a useful role in diabetes management." It does not refer to the insulin increasing aspect at all!.

Artificial sweeteners, like Splenda, (Sucralose) are often prescribed to overweight individuals as a low calorie substitute and is common used as artificial sweetener by people with diabetes.

On May 30 the Daily Mail published an article online with the headline "Could artificial sweetener CAUSE diabetes? Splenda 'modifies way the body handles sugar', increasing insulin production by 20%". What is the significance of this news?

In this study, which was published in the 'Journal Diabetes Care', all subjects were tested over two visits. If, during one visit a subject was given water to drink before being given glucose water, during the other he or she was given sucralose dissolved in water before drinking the glucose. Participants who drank sucralose prior to consuming glucose saw a 20% higher increase in insulin levels. Over time, this could lead to insulin resistance…a precursor to Type II. In fact, notes, Yanina Pepino, the research assistant & professor of medicine at the Washington School of Medicine who lead the study, artificial sweeteners are rarely consumed on their own. They are usually used to sweeten other foods. So, she concludes, their effect in combination with other foods is significant. 'Our results indicate that this artificial sweetener is not inert - it does have an effect,' said Pepino.

More recently, on June 12th, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPINET), decided to downgrade Splenda's safety rating in its Chemical Cuisine guide to food additives. According to the CSPINET's website:

"The nonprofit food safety watchdog group had long rated sucralose as "safe," but is now placing it in the "caution" category pending a review of an unpublished study by an independent Italian laboratory that found that the sweetener caused leukemia in mice. The only previous long-term feeding studies in animals were conducted by the compound's manufacturers."

The CSPINET's Chemical Cuisine page on sucralose elaborated on the leukemia link:

"...what might be the greatest cause for concern, in 2012 an independent Italian laboratory announced (but has not yet published) a study that found that sucralose caused leukemia in mice that were exposed from before birth. That was the same lab that several years earlier published studies indicating that aspartame caused cancers in rats and mice."

Any argument can be made or destroyed by the deftness with which relevant statistics are highlighted or diluted – whatever the case may be. Perhaps the only way to begin is with unassailable truths.

Undisputed fact #1: "Sucralose/Splenda is produced through artificially substituting three hydroxyl groups (hydrogen + oxygen) with three chlorine atoms in the sugar (sucrose) molecule."

Undisputed fact #2: the above chemical process renders sucralose a synthetic chlorocarbon.

Undisputed #3 many pesticides, disinfectants and Chlorox Bleach are also contain or are composed of synthetic chlorocarbons.

The above are incontestable and, therefore, form solid base from which to answer the fundamental questions of whether or not Splenda is safe, beneficial, as its manufacturers maintain.

We can move to the question of whether or not it is beneficial. Do we really need to analyze this alternative sweetener when the thing for which it provides an alternative (sugar) is, itself, superfluous at best; Sugar is highly recognized as toxic and avoided by many. So, developing and selling permanent make-up products in order to provide a more convenient alternative to an already unnecessary commodity, is akin to what we are doing with sucralose

During the period in pre-history when we were grass-eaters, hunters and gatherers and the period during which our metabolic infrastructure was allegedly established, our sweet tooth was satisfied with fruit, honey. We should examine our extreme need for sweetness in a concentrated, supplemental form and spend time figuring out how we got here and back pedal ourselves out.

1.Sucralose/Splenda is produced through artificially substituting three hydroxyl groups (hydrogen + oxygen) with three chlorine atoms in the sugar (sucrose) molecule. Natural sugar is a hydrocarbon built around 12 carbon atoms. When transformed into Splenda it becomes a chlorocarbon, in the same family as deadly pesticides like DDT, insecticides, biocides, disinfectants like Chlorox Bleach, and WWI poison gas like dichlorourea

2. When one uncouples the experience of "sweetness" from caloric content, the body becomes confused because it does not receive nourishment and therefore will not attain satiety – this, in turn, leads to overindulgence. Indeed, new studies have shown exactly this: those who consume synthetic sweeteners are more prone to obesity. What this means is that when we ingest something sweet, it should also have caloric and nutritional content. Anything less than this equation is a recipe for failure and ill health.

3. When the acute effects of sucralose ingestion on the metabolic response to an oral glucose load in obese subjects was evaluated it was found that sucralose ingestion caused

1) a greater incremental increase in peak plasma glucose concentrations

2) a 20 ± 8% greater incremental increase in insulin area under the curve

3) a 22 ± 7% greater peak insulin secretion rate



ACK: Tania Melkonianeatomology.com/

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Even if there is an iota of doubt,with evidence or with out.just avoid it totally.After all, sugar itself is an acquired taste.One has to give up anything to avoid future aggravated diabetic complications.

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