whats the good treatment?or solutions of di... - Diabetes India

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whats the good treatment?or solutions of diabetes

shiju7077 profile image
7 Replies
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7 Replies

Please consider the following suggestions:

Management of sugar levels is a tough job but is not impossible if you realize that the task is essentially in your own hands. The doctor or dietician may guide you but ultimately it is you who has to put into practice all that has been learnt. Diet control makes maximum difference in a diabetic condition. Avoid sugar,sweets,and any food that is loaded with sugars like mango,banana etc. Also avoid vegetables like potato,beet, etc that grow underground and contain plenty of starch. Eat more of sprouts,vegetables and greens that give you fiber,minerals and vitamins. Eat less of rice,wheat and other cereals rich in carbohydrates and demand more insulin for converting to energy. The idea should be to reduce consumption by least 200 to 300 calories per day to gain significant results.

After diet,exercise plays a very important role. Walking or jogging for 40 to 60 minutes a day will improve your glucose metabolism significantly and spend about 200 calories.Management of sugar levels is a tough job but is not impossible if you realize that the task is essentially in your own hands. The doctor or dietician may guide you but ultimately it is you who has to put into practice all that has been learnt. Diet control makes maximum difference in a diabetic condition. Avoid sugar,sweets,and any food that is loaded with sugars like mango,banana etc. Also avoid vegetables like potato,beet, etc that grow underground. Eat more of sprouts,nuts(except cashew and pista)vegetables and greens that give you fiber,minerals and vitamins. Eat less of rice,wheat and other cereals rich in carbohydrates and demand more insulin for converting to energy. The idea should be to reduce consumption by least 200 to 300 calories per day to gain significant r

Last but not the least one should lead a stress free life style. Stress is a recognized trigger for diabetes. Practice relaxation techniques like breathing exercises,yoga etc.

You should go for quarterly check ups and annual comprehensive review with an experienced diabetologist and follow the prescriptions scrupulously

Ultimately the most important person in your diabetes management is Y O U.

ramaswami profile image

I agree with above. Control is in our hands

shiju7077 profile image
shiju7077 in reply to ramaswami

thanks for ur advice

sukhvir profile image

hi dear there are good solution for you

Quantum Science products are very effective for diabetes patient, this is not medicine. for more details quantumscience.in/AM%20Pend... one time expense for long time.

shiju7077 profile image
shiju7077 in reply to sukhvir

quantum science?dear give me more details

sukhvir profile image
sukhvir in reply to shiju7077

there so many things website: quantumscience.in

Mineral based high-tech formulated energy pendant, made from volcanic lava, using Japanese technology. Capable of emitting Scaler Energy instantly transforming bio-energy into our body to promote molecular activities of water molecules in body organs. The Scalar Energy Quantum Pendant radiates Scalar Energy which is a natural energy created by our very earth which can strengthen the human body through re-connecting our energy to the earth energy source which most of us are disconnected to, due to living in cities where our direct exposure to nature and the earth itself is minimal at best.

sukhvir profile image

Quantum Science energy products gives more relief to Diabetes patients. low cost products for long life. for more detail quantumscience.in

Diabetes cannot be cured, but it can be prevented. Whether you fall in the high-risk category for diabetes, or are simply concerned for your health

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