Is it isryl M1 harm us or it may has any si... - Diabetes India

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Is it isryl M1 harm us or it may has any side effects?

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gangadharan_nair profile image

Isyrl M tab contains two fixed drig combinations viz., glimepiride 2 mg, metformin hydrochloride (SR) 500 mg.

Glimepiride is used along with diet and exercise, and sometimes with other medications, to treat type 2 diabetes (condition in which the body does not use insulin normally and, therefore, cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood). Glimepiride lowers blood sugar by causing the pancreas to produce insulin (a natural substance that is needed to break down sugar in the body) and helping the body use insulin efficiently. This medication will only help lower blood sugar in people whose bodies produce insulin naturally.

Common side effects of glimepiride include dizziness, headache, and nausea or vomiting. A rash and allergic reactions also may occur. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can occur during glimepiride therapy. Symptoms of low blood sugar include hunger, nausea, tiredness, perspiration, headache, heart palpitations, numbness around the mouth, tingling in the fingers, tremors, muscle weakness, blurred vision, chilliness, excessive yawning, irritability, confusion, or loss of consciousness.

Glimepiride is a derivative of a sulfonamide drug. People allergic to other sulfonamide-related drugs may develop an allergic reaction to glimepiride.

Metformin is used alone or with other medications, including insulin, to treat type 2 diabetes (condition in which the body does not use insulin normally and, therefore, cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood). Metformin is in a class of drugs called biguanides. Metformin helps to control the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. It decreases the amount of glucose you absorb from your food and the amount of glucose made by your liver. Metformin also increases your body's response to insulin, a natural substance that controls the amount of glucose in the blood.

The most common side effects with metformin are nausea, vomiting, gas, bloating, diarrhea and loss of appetite. These symptoms occur in one out of every three patients. These side effects may be severe enough to cause therapy to be discontinued in one out of every 20 patients. These side effects are related to the dose of the medication and may decrease if the dose is reduced.

A serious but rare side effect of metformin is lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis occurs in one out of every 30,000 patients and is fatal in 50% of cases. The symptoms of lactic acidosis are weakness, trouble breathing, abnormal heartbeats, unusual muscle pain, stomach discomfort, light-headedness and feeling cold. Patients at risk for lactic acidosis include those with reduced function of the kidneys or liver, congestive heart failure, severe acute illnesses, and dehydration.


atmasai profile image

Cure Diabetes! Not Just Control It! :-- Arogya Amrit

Even today, Indians strongly believe in the power of herbal medicines. It has been concluded that the general population is not entirely satisfied with the allopathic method of treatment as it cures the symptoms and not the disease itself. In additions, the side effects cause during the consumption of allopathic medicines, further damages its credibility. On consuming herbal medicines, there are no side effects and it cure the disease at its origin.

Arogya Amrit: an invaluable gift for patient suffering from Diabetes

Arogya Amrit is a completely safe contained Ayurvedic medicine which successfully control and cure Diabetes. It is made with the careful combination in varying ratios of all the useful herbs and ras-bhasm known to regulate the sugar levels in urine and blood, also regulating the flow of insulin the body. Herbs like Swarn Bhasma, Chandi Bhasma, Naag bhsma, Triwang Bhsma, Swarn Bang, Abhrak bhasma, Ashwagandha, Keshar, Shilajeet, Gudmar, Bitter gourd, Neem, Giloya, Jambo seed and other mixed herbs combine to form the unique composition of Arogya Amrit, which does not provide temporary respite from the symptoms of diabetes, but cure its cause altogether by reinitiating the production of insulin in the body. It also eliminates the chances of other fatal diseases by curing them at their root as well, thus ensuring a healthy and prolonged lifespan.

Method of consumption: before consumption of Arogya Amrit, kindly stop the daily doses of insulin and get your blood sugar levels tested and recorded both in the fasting and after having lunch.

Arogya Amrit contains three different types of formulation that are to be consumed regularly over the period of six month. If you suffer from Diabetes since a long time, then continue the consumption of Arogya Amrit along with the daily insulin doses, keeping it as low as 4 units per day. Following is the method of consumption for the 3 types of medicines contained in Arogya Amrit.

Arogya Amrit (Formula No. 1)

This formula is a potent combination of Swarn, Chandi, praval, moti, abhrak Bhasma etc. This formulation has to be consumed twice a day. Take one capsule in the morning after breakfast and one capsule in the evening with water.

Arogya Amrit (Formula No. 2)

This formulation has to be consumed twice a day. Unique combination of herbs such as gudmar, metheeka, vijaysar, ashwagandha, kutukee and Jambo seeds sar etc. One spoon after the first meal of the day (morning) and second one spoon after the light meal (evening) twice a day with water.

Arogya Amrit (Formula No. 3)

For the complete cure of all the problems in the body, this tablet has to be consumed only once per day, before going to sleep with a cup of milk.

Diet & Lifestyle to be followed:

•Regular early morning walk (5-7 km) along with some exercise.

•If possible, practice Yoga every morning especially Mandukasan, Kapalbhati, Anulom-bilom and sarvangasana.

•Lunch should preferably comprise of two rotis, a serving of cooked vegetables, salads, dal, sprouted Bengal gram, leafy vegetables and a small portion of rice.

•The evening snack should be very light and probably comprise of whole-wheat product.

•Stop consumption of sweet products such as sugar, sweet fruits, sweetened tee, sweetened drinks, both aerated and non-aerated varieties, alcohol and non-vegetarian food products.

•Also limit the consumption of milk, potato, fried products, ghee, butter and stodgy food items.

Increase the consumption of fibrous items like green leafy vegetables, salads, wheat bran, seasonal fruits, sprouted pulses, gooseberries, carrots, bitter gourd, drumsticks, radish, turnip, coriander leaves, pointed gourd, mint leaves, fenugreek leaves, spinach, soya bean, roasted gram, gram flour, oats, jamun, curd etc.

Those patients who have been consuming Allopathic medicines to treat diabetes should reduce its dosage while starting AROGYA AMRIT. After sometimes stop the usage of Allopathic medicines altogether and continue using AROGYA AMRIT, till diabetes is fully cured to lead a healthy. Arogya Amrit Helpline Number: +91-120-4553033

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