I m diabetic since last 6 yrs.i m just 39 now.i have to use medication long time. As I read in various post that metmormin effects kidney n lever.how to minimize the effect.i become very much frustrated about this.
Diabetic medicine side effect: I m diabetic... - Diabetes India
Diabetic medicine side effect

Do you mean metformin?
Please note that mental stress and strain may increase your blood sugar level. More importance should be given to diabetic diet, reduction of overweight, avoidance of cigarette smoking/ consumption of alcohol and aerobic exercise.
Undergo HbA1c test once in every three months.
Learn more about diabetes mellitus and its complications.(Search Google and youtube)
Your body mass index is 31.2 and you are obese. (Obesity: BMI 30 or greater).
Fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/dL and postprandial blood sugar (2 hours after taking food) should be less than 140 mg/dL.
You should take 12 hour fasting at night.
Do you mean Teniva (brand name) Teneligliptin (generic name)?
Teneligliptin is a pharmaceutical drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. It belongs to the class of anti-diabetic drugs known as dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors or "gliptins".
What are your blood test numbers?
What medication are you taking?
What is you waist to height ration?
Are you on a life style change to control type 2?, controlling food and drinks intake, regular exercise. I am sorry to say you photo give a different picture!
Fasting 110 to 125 pp 190 to 220.taking taniva m in moring and glycomet sr 500 night.picture is last dasera.my weight little high 80kg height 5ft 3 inch
You are under dosed. Glycomet Sr take twice, after lunch and after dinner. Teniva 20 once before or after breakfast
I had seen in one of the friend's son's case Metformin damaged the kidneys and later he was put on dialysis also . Neither Metformin , nor insulin could save him . It is not to scare you but it is a well wisher's advice . Take for sometime whatever is prescribed by modern medicinal doctors . But slowly reduce the food intake . In between if you feel hungry take buttermilk (watery butter milk) which is known as thakram in Ayurveda which quenches thirst and reduces hunger . . Take one apple , one plantain , two dates , one handful of groundnut seeds boiled , one orange . and one guava per day . All these can be taken in between meals leaving a gap of two hours in between. chew two leaves of THIPPATHEEGA which is known as Tinaspora on empty stomach in the morning . Take Turmeric powder in half a glass of water-- a pinch in the morning after half an hour after Tinaspora leaves .Night before going to bed take Ashwagandha powder which is available in any standard Ayurvedic shop . Take the stock of the situation and reduce all modern medicines slowly in a phased manner. Follow this procedure life long . There would never be any diabetic complications .This is tested in many cases and found out to be very effective in controlling sugar levels along ensuring good general health . Remember one thing , that is Turmeric powder ( home made) Herbs like Aloevera , Gymnema sylvester , Phylanthu amaras , also are effective in reducing sugar levels and in maintaining the levels at healthy ranges .
All the natural, Indian medicines which you prescribed are good. But a lifestyle disorder like T2D cannot be cured by any medicine. You have to change your lifestyle, change your diet, take less stress for a permanent cure.
Yes . Life style changes , stopping excess food intake , positive and helping attitude only bring down the sugar levels . Once damage is done nerve damage can not be reversed .A small plant can be potted and watered to make it grow in to big tree ,but not a very big tree . Of course now that is being undertaken with relocation techniques . The same amount of effort if implemented in case of diabetes of long standing could give some result but not full reversal . Here let me ask a simple question -- does the modern medical research could reverse diabetic complications or cancer complications . When they fail with medication they cut the parts and throw off . Then why these intellectuals are repeatedly demanding proofs in case of alternative options .When reversal is not possible why can 't one opt for lifestyle changes and alternative medicine .
I completely agree with your point that modern medical research has not found out any solution for reversing diabetes (or cure cancer). The nexus of pharma companies, medical research groups and medical practitioners have purposefully misguided millions of people by issuing statements like "Eat in portions", "Once you are diagnosed T2D, you will have to live with medicines for rest of your life".
But scientific proofs are necessary to show the outside world that if some solution works for you, then it would work for some others as well. Lets take an example of Mr.George(Shooter George), who documented his research on reversing T2D very well. Unfortunately, most of us do not that.
Personally, i do not take any medicines (be it allopathic or ayurvedic or homeopathic) for my condition and I do not recommend taking medicines for T2D, if you are ready to change your lifestyle by having food control and regular good exercise/physical activity.

One should avoid dates n banana strictly
Excess intake of fat or proteins has its own limitations in giving health . If very less food is taken one can not beat the pangs of hunger . Banana and dates may have fructose or other excess sugar contributing factors which modern medical research would find out in course of time , only to go back on their findings after some time . But they are rich sources of nutrients even in small quantity . Instead of going for supplements for vitamins and minerals which we don't know what all ingredients are added (in the supplements) it is better to eat Amla , guava , dates , bananas , grape fruit , Bear etc . In fact regular use of banana either ripe or unripe stops the possibility of paralysis . This again is a verified experimental truth .

Yes one banana in the morning is good and diabetics can enjoy max upto 2 dates in a day.
I disagree with you. I take dates daily and have seen my HbA1c drop. There are 1000 varieties of banana available in India. Not all bananas should be avoided. Fully ripen ones should be avoided as it contains lot of sugar(natural sugar). Cavendish bananas which are genetically modified and made in labs should be avoided. Green bananas contain lot of fiber content.
don't panic, i am consuming metformin 500mg tablets(1 morning+1night) for the last 22years, i never noticed any problem with the drug. when it was diagnosed first time my random sugar level is 345(22 years back) after taking the medicine i am maintaining within the norms. dont think too much do exercise and change life style - BE HAPPY.
Thanks sir.sir my creatine always was .09 .in this year it become 1.08 and this month it became 1.1.so I became panic
Metformin optimum daily dose is 2000 mg. Keep it below that level and check creatinine levels regularly. They shud preferably around 1.
Sir, since you r too young better u take advice from a DM(Endocrinology) Dr...get the s.creatinine regularly checked. Diet to be followed as recommended if you ensure the sugar levels within the norm you can lead happy life don't panic and try to maintain optimum sugar levels
Not very much known side effects as far as I know, because am using the same tablets for last twenty years, if u walk around 4 kms in morning n 4 kms in evening, ur sugar levels will be in control, of course with strict less food, like one chapati n one small bowl rice for lunch n dinner with light breakfast n evening light snacks, and also one egg a day in morning with bf will ensure protein, brisk walk a must or else u would end up to take insulin
Is it possible for all people with constraints of age , health parameters and convenience to walk 8 kms per day .

Nita123 seems to be a simple case of Obese type-2 with strong Insulin resistance which can be confirmed by a blood fasting insulin test along with fasting blood glucose....
If his blood insulin levels are more than 5uIU/ml , he does not need medication at all.. He can easily controll his blood sugar by systematic weight reduction program by practising LCHF diet, Intermediate fasting , exercise ..... Barani has done it....
Coming to Metformin, i agree with many members that the drug is 100 years old (discovered in 1922- please refer wiki given below) and it is acknowledged across the Globe that it is the safest of all diabetic medicines discovered so far...it is in the essential drug list of WHO! The drug is known to protect the heart apart from being a strong and proven insulin sensitiser...
However , it may have have side effect known as lacto-acidocis with some people in excess dosage more than 2000mg daily... also it may deplete Vitamin level b12 in the blood....B12 deficiency can be countered by supplement...
This drug is eliminated from blood by kidney and so if some one's kidney is not functioning , then blood Metformin level can increase and can lead to lacto acidosis .. That is the reason , people with high creatinine level are given low doses of Metformin....
keep the dose as far as possible to less than 1.5 gms a -day. dost restrict fluid intake avoid slow release metformin with erratic release.