I have a small doubt whether we can use Glycomet GP 2 Forte ( GP 1000 MF 850) continuously in the morning and night before taking meal.Because my glucose levels are always more than 50 to 60 points than actual standard points.I have consulted one doctor and he has prescribed above tablets for my diabetic.But, Some of other doctors are telling dont take Glycomet GP2 Forte tablets.Please advise whether I can continue or not .
Prescribed medicine is suitable or not - Diabetes & Hypert...
Prescribed medicine is suitable or not
I suspect what the second doctor is trying to tell you is that you don't need to take pills if you don't want to; you can control (or, more than likely, reverse) your diabetes simply by reducing the carbohydrate load on your body. Your doctor can most likely advise you in more detail, but you can check the Virta Health website if you want to just do it yourself. It's not difficult. The basic principle is to replace carbohydrate-based energy in your diet with fat-based energy. As well as keeping your blood sugar under control, you will experience a lot of general health improvements.
You may still need to take metformin, depending on how long you've had diabetes. Reading between the lines, though, you're only marginally diabetic and can easily fix this with dietary changes. It's your choice.