I have been on metformin for about 11 to 12 years. Recently, my B12 readings are less than normal. Read metformin causes B12 deficiency. For the last few years, I have been taking meformin 250mg 3 times a day right after meal. My latest Hba1c is 5.02. Average glucose (MBG i think) is 97. FBS is 97. Please suggest if there is anything that I can use to replace metformin fully or partially.
Is there any replacement for metformi... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Is there any replacement for metformin to get around B12 deficiency?

I suggest you subscribe and integrate yourself with dLife.in, a very good portal for diabetics, there are many members, I am not too knowledgeable on diabetes-related topics, the creator and CEO is Anup, a very informed person, as also there are expert participants too; I am convinced you will gain immensely thru this platform, it'll enhance your confidence; as for your readings mentioned, they seem to be good, in control, and if there's a B12 deficiency, you could make up thru supplements; just curiosity, which city you based?? God Bless us ALL with good health!!!
I am not an expert and you should consult a diabetologist,but since your diabetes so beautifully under control,i feel without disturbing the dia-medicin you should find some solution for B12 problem.
Bangalore. Some people are talking about berbirine. Want to know more about this from the users of this medicine in lieu of metformin. Since yesterday, I have dropped one tablet (250mg) that I used to take after lunch. Now only 2 tablet 1 in the morning and 1 in the night.
forgot to mention, stick to LCHF diet (Low Carbs High Fat), it'll solve all your worries, just pray, meditate, remain jovial always, exercise, if you've got the wealth, travel all over the globe, worship your parents, avoid too many friends, they're a wastage of time, just remain cool, cool, cool!!!!!
Except lchf, have been doing all other things you mentioned. I have been on typical south Indian high carb food. I am borderline hypothyroid too and on medication. Past experience is whenever I was liberal on fats, my lipids used to get too bad.
LIPIDS onl LCHF go haywire during the time your weight is declining.
Also if you try to do a mix of higher carb plus higher fat and not stick to LCHF or start going keto.
I dropped my A1C from 9.5 to 6.2 within 2 months. Try the site as mentioned by tejkumar . I benefited only from there though there are too many talking LCHF here but I got specific answers only there. Learn from the gurus.